Ołuscry ation Ta Mc:    I«; =--------- mA

Iu (mA)

Vak l V)


i)    Static Characteristics without GATE puke

a)    Connect ihe Circuit as shown, ad jus t Dc, to about 4V

b)    Short tlie gate and the anodę terminal.

c)    Notę down the anodę voltage and current VAK and IAK

d)    Open tlie gate terminal and notę the holding current for applied DCi voltąge and observe if tlie SCR is in tlie ON State.

e)    Repeat tlie above procedurę for different values of DC vohąge. Until tlie SCR starts conducting.

0 Tabulate and plot VAK Vs IAK

ii)    Static Chara eter istics with GATE pulse

a)    Connect as shown. adjust Dci to iLs fuli value - 20V

b)    Keep the gate voltage - DC\ minimum sucli tliat tlie SCR Ls in tlie OFF State, minimum position in anti-clock wisedirection

c)    Vary the gate current by inereasing DC\ until the SCR fires (ON State) wliicli is indicated by tlie current tlirough SCR.

d)    Tabulate and plot VAK Vs IAK for different values of gate current.



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