1 Match hcadings 1-7 to holiday dcscriptions A-E. There are two cxtra hcadings that you do not nced.


We have something for everyonc!


A two week holiday in Grccce. A grcat holiday for those who want to relax aftcr a busy year at school or work. The holiday starts at thc airport in England where we help you with your bags and make surc you havc all the documents. We fly to Athcns and then take a boat to the island of Naxos. There are no tours planned, and no activitics to do. Just two weeks sunbathing by the pool or on the bcach. All meals are includcd in the price and breakfast is available from 8 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. so you don’l have to get up early. It’s the perfeci holiday for someone who doesn’t want to do anything!


A two week holiday in Italy. You fly from London to Romę and then take the train to Naples and a boat to Sorrento. The hotel is ąuiet, with beautiful double rooms, and close to the town centrc where you can eat in a different rcstaurant each night. Every couple gcts roses and a bottle of champagne when they arrive. Take an evening walk along the coast with your sweetheart and go to the magical island of Capri. This is the pcrfect holiday for couples who will have the chance to be alone togethcr in the most beautiful town in Italy.


A holiday with a difference. You fly to Nairobi and travel by bus to a smali villagc where you spend three weeks, staying in a local house with a local family. In the momings, you help to get breakfast ready and afterwards there is a lot of things to do. You can help in the ficlds, teach English in the local school or carry watcr two kilometres to the villagc. After lunch, there is a rest time until early evcning when there is morę housework to do. Then, as the sun goes down, you can watch the sunset and enjoy the traditional dances.



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