There are two letters below. One is a letter of referral from a generał practitioner to a consultant and the other the consultanfs reply. Fili in the missing words. Choose from the following.
discomfort drip
instance nasal
examination findings
obstruction opinion persist
respond responds response
Consultant: Mr Holger Bauer Patient name: John Gardner DOB: 14/07/80 07/05/02
Dear Mr Bauer
I would be (1) c/rateful ifyou could see this young man
who has had a (2)_blockcd nose over the last
few months. On two occasions I have noted polyps. They
(3) _to a smali degree to beclamethasone
(4) _spray, but continue to (5)_
I would be grateful for your (6)_.
Yours sincerely
Ivan Nazarova (Dr)
40 Section 5: Hospital erwironment
I irpiirlment of Otolaryngology
Ni>w patient consultation: John Gardner, DOB 14/07/80 J1/06/02 (Clinic 19/06/02)
I »> u I )r Nazarova
I liiink you for asking me to see this 21-year-old telecommunications • nitluecr.
I'h Nontation and (7)_:
I h i omplains of long-standing nasal (8)_on both
mdi", willi only partial (9)_to Beconase nasal spray.
I h nlso says that his ears pop occasionally and he gets some facial 1111) . __and post nasal (11)_.
i >n (12)_today his nose showed congested nasal
mncosłi and polypoid middle turbinate and smali middle meatal polypN.
Impicssion and plan:
In lin' First (13)_, I have started him on a course of
I Jirii«nox nasal spray which is a morę modern steroid spray than llt t oiiunc. 1 shall see him again in two months’ time to see how he | i li ___•
Suiiin sincerely
I li.i';/««r
i im aillant Otolaryngologist
I h ilu u Ihat only widely recognized abbreviations are used in these sorts of li 'III u • i. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is best to write them in fuli.
Section 5: Hospital envlronment 41