H|P know / have known her for nv« years.

have / have had my dog Sam my slrtce rrty birthday. Here is / has been a photo of ut \n the garden.

In many countries, people recycle / have recycled paper and plasttc. They recycle / have recycled these materlals for many years.

We live / have llved In this house for five years. We really Itke / have liked it here.

I have / have had my bag sińce Christmas.

It Is / has been madę of fabric.

Mikę usually plays / has played football very well. He is / has been on the school football team for three years.

5 Wpisz określenia dotyczące czasu do odpowiedniej kolumny w tabelce.


a few minutcs a week Christmas five o'clock last month my birthday slx years three hours two months 2005

2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi przymiotnikami. 1 This button isn't square. It's round

for sińce

a few mi nut es

2 Thechairis .1 tisn'tsnft

3 What's in this box? it's very

It isn't light at all!

4 There aren't many pages in this book.


It isn't thick. It's

5 This cardboard is thick. It isn't flexible.


6 That dress is only one colour. It isn't

coiourful. 11*5__

7 My jewellery isn't matt. It's madę of    metal.

Opisz wybrany przedmiot ze swojego >okoju. Uwzględnij materiał z którego jest 'obiony, wielkość, kształt i inne cechy.

6 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując: for \ub sińce.

1    Katja has studied EngHsh for threi months.

2    We have recycled old objects_

last year.

3    I have lived in Spain_many ye

4    They have been at school_fou

5    Steve has had his motorbike_

6 You have liked rock musie_f\\

7    There have been recycling bins in m>

__ the New Year.

8    Mark has worked there_af<


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