a rr\tgxeł itatueof

the tentoded beast of Woaoorgh

strong iron grotę

pif trop to the beat* r

Luka Rrj«. CC201Z http7/creabrecorr. mom org>lkrosrs/bf^a/3.0/

Deep in the Purple Worm

o cne pi# diktypon fce 2012 In thr cl ark age s of this world that followrd thr fali of Khan Bakhusaba of Bemhamel horror* crawlcd upon thr worki as thr dcmiurgcft thrmsclvr» wrrc rrvoltcd at thr pridr of thr humanlings who thought to cjurstion thr might of thr Vilr One*.

Ihr magui Hi Xaphon of thr Turalian ordrr took It upon hlmsrlf to savr thr Tuhltu from thr worm that tormrntrd thrm. Hr climbrd Into itt maw and tumrd its magiek hrart into »tonr( paralynmgand cvrntuAlly prtrifying thr wholr brait. In latrr year* a dark magus rnamourrd of thr dark arttook rrsidrner thrrr and brcamr himsrlf a plagur upon thr Tcthitr*. Whrrr arr lattcr day hrrors who could aavr thr poor brnightrd srrfs and prasant* from this malefcx?



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