
subject Q verb

subject Q verb Q object

My grendmother ic cookłng. The bridge collapsed.

Julia need* a now pair of jeana. Mełhew lotf hit green beckpaek.

simple sentence

WiW**! ot Crw tntn dlUM

John is watohłng

subject Q verb Q object Q adverbial

My łaam muał wir* tha malch fomorrow morning. Marlha'! frlend* anjoyad her blrthday party In lh# club. Henry will travel with his friend to couthern Germany.



We wora not tired after łbe raca.

Whala ia not a fieh.



no EJ nouri

John needt no help. Snake* hove no log'..

aantence atructuro /

Mark and Judy ahould not mova to London. Tho TV will noł ba fłxad by fomorrow.

I have not eatn tho la*t Jama* Bond movia.

compound sentence

Mary i* reading a book . > and John I* watching TV.

guestions f.

r'bb. n «*j-

auxili»fy Q subjecł Ej mai'>

wprh ■■    J    wM uprh

Am I lata?

Wara your dad o policoman?

Hec ftho wotched the movie? Do thoy llva In Poland?

subject D main ™ verb


Whara ara you going for tha weekend?

When did Adam vialł Kia grandpa?

How can we flnd fhe ona respontlble for tha aocident?

cornplex sentence

John. who lovea crime rnoviat. i* watching TV.


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