First, I thank the research organizations who funded my research. These include the Institute for International Education, the UCLA Center for European and Eurasian Studies, and the UCLA International Institute. I also could not have successfully completed my research without the language training funded by Indiana University, the UCLA Center for European Studies, and the State Department. My preparation and writing periods were funded by the UCLA Graduate Division. Without them, this dissertation could never have been written.

Second, I thank those who facilitated my fieldwork in Tbilisi, particularly all those that graciously allowed me to interview them. Additional thanks are due to Ekaterine Diasamidze-Graham, who arranged for me to talk to several radio station personnel, and to Timothy Blauvelt, who set up several crucial interviews. Tamriko Bakuradze prepared me for interviews and helped me read Georgian-language texts during weekly language lessons, and she gave me many insights into Georgian perspectives on international issues. I also thank the friends and research colleagues in Georgia who were happy to let me vent my occasional frustrations and who allowed me to bounce ideas off them.

Third, officials at the State Department were incredibly helpful when it became necessary for me to evacuate from Georgia and temporarily apply for refugee status in Armenia. Without them, a bad situation could have gotten ąuite ugly.

Finally, many thanks are due to those that helped in the preparation of this dissertation when I retumed to the United States. My dissertation committee chair, Timothy Rice, read several drafts of chapters and was instrumental in clarifying my ideas. The other members of



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