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Im porta nl Notę : I. On completing your answers. compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines oo the remainine blank pages.
2. Any re\ealmg of Identification, appeal to e\aluator and or equation> wntten eg. 42*8 - 50. will be trcatcd as malpracticc.
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
Notę : Answer any FOUR ąuestions front Q.No. 1 to Q.No. 7.
1 What is thc significance of middlc lcvcl management?
2 How do you say that 013 is an applied science?
3 What is cmotional intelligence? Namc tlić Hyc key componcnts of El.
4 What arc thc three levels ofconflict in thc organization?
5 Mention thc significance of a control system in thc organization.
6 What is thc rcason for growth of virtual organization?
7 What is ability? How do you classify individual’s abilities?
Notę : Ans ner any FOUR ąuestions front Q,No, / to Q.No. 7.
1 Elaborate thc strcngths and weakncsscs of matrix organizational structurc.
Explain Fiedler’s contingcncy theory of leadership in brief.
What are the different typcs of power? Explain.
(03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks)
(07 Marks) (07 Marks) (07 Marks)
Namc the four cxpcrimcnts conducted by Elton Mayo and associatcs. Explain thc implications of Hawthornc cxpcrimcnt. (07 Marks)
5 Discuss thc personality attributes influcncing OB.
6 Explain thc dccision making proccss.
(07 Marks) (07 Marks)
7 Explain Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation and discuss the managcrial implications.
(07 Marks)
Notę : Ans ner any FOUR ąuestions front Q.No.t to Q.No. 7.
1 Explain Blakc and Mouton's managerial grid.
2 Discuss the factors that influence thc pcrćeption.
3 Explain Big-five model of personality.
(10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks)
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