First Semester M.Ed. Degree(model) Examination,February201§ Mar Theophilus Training College, Thiruvananthapuram EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Time: 3 Houra Total Marka: 70
(Answer any two questions. Fach question carries 10 marks)
1. Define Intelligence. Discuss the educational implications of Multiple Intelligence theory
2. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Explain Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
3. What do you mean by of professional ethics of teachers.
4. What do you understand by brain based leaming
(Answer any six Questions. Each question carries 5 marks)
5. Important factors behind language development with special reference to LAD.
6. What do you mean by integrated personality?
7. What is plateau in leaming? Why is it formed? How can it be overcome?
8. What is group dynamics? How can a teacher make use this techniąue in the teaching leaming process?
9. Explain SOI[Structure of Intelligence]
10. Write about Piaget’s stages of Cognitive development 1 l.Explain El
12. Factors affecting the development of the child.
(Answer all questions .Each question carries 2 marks)
13. Pillars of Educational Psychology 14.Socio-Cultural perspective of Vygotsky
15. What do you mean by Emotional Qoutient ? ló.Write about three different categories of exceptionality
17. What do you mean by Maladjustment ?
18. Write about Mental Health