Przykładowe arkusze egzaminacyjne
Zadanie 9. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 9.1.-9.4. zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując swoje odpowiedzi w luki. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Om the w hole l’m really proud of my dog Lucky, w kto w as bought for me some time ago from a firm specialising in the training and selling of fully-gropon dogs as pets. He knopos 2S obedience and etiąuette commands and is mow my best companion. He bas helped me out in lots of difficult situations but also impressed loads of people K>ith his perfect behaniour. But sometimes enen a champion has a bad day. Yesterday l took him for a toalk in the park as usual. Dhilst Kie poere there, I sapo Tom, a boy I am not really fond of. He to as sitting on the bench wiith his mates, chatting and laughing. I poanted to shopo off a bit and make Tom ennious. I hoped that my amazing German Shepherd dog poould perform a few of his best tricks. As a result, I let Lucky off his lead butjust as I poanted to ginę him a command, the poorst thing happened. My so-called perfect dog ran up to the bench pohere the boys poere sitting and cocked his back leg. Vou can guess pokot happened next - he peed. Unfortunately, not only on er the bench, but also on er one ofToms friends trousers as poell! And me? Hearing the boys’ mixed shouts and laughter, I turned and ran, hoping they poouldn’t think that the dog poas minę.
9.1. How does Lucky behave usually?
Lucky is_.
9.2. Why did the author want to show off?
The author wanted Tom
9.3. What did the boys do when Lucky peed?
They started_
9.4. What did the author do when he saw Lucky peeing over the bench and Tonfs friend’s trousers?
The author