£l®ctror)ic* Ltd _ 1<?fn Avo London W3 01-932 3434
J. u fl<t r'in 1 u /s_I>f I' !(’<■ f
-cordcd pictures of Uic 6r>t icps tbe nioon will bc
‘liOivB crery bom on tłu- hour Jftuccn 8 J.ni. <iuU 10.30 j.m oday on BBC-1. ITV will ilso show pictures Irom 8 a.m. o 10 P-u>. witb .i proi;rc.v> sport on Apollo. śyg telo vi*cd moo n>hot
irerage «f*p be:
0 30 o-in- Pictures ol nioon lik wita progres report. ■1JS0 p.m.: Report on pic-rations to Jeavc nioon. 4.20-0 p.itŁ: Report ot pre-
atioD5 for iift-ott Irom oł2 6-20-7.05 p.m.: Report Itfl-oti from raoon with rthia fl Hve " pictures. 8.0-
,__iai “Panorama
0-2>Jl-O p.m.: Specidl “24 ETours” as lumi foins co m m ii n d
4One smali step f Man,’ he says
BBC-2 -trards: Pictures of moon hour on the hour colonr pictures module us it aoott. J.<M-50 p m.: a>
tl; pictures of raoon. r/th summary of Apollo s. J2 noon-12.10 p.m.: report on mooawalk.
Studio report on 6.0-7-50 p.m.: Report >ff ftwn moon “l/re" pictures.
\'K TAYLOR ffoęcow
I with sbort-itlio sets luned radio stations news of the
5- . ;
and telcvision
By Dr. ANTHONY MICHAELIS and ADRIAN BERRY. Science Staff, af the Manned Spacecraff Centre. Houston MAN set foot on the moon at 3.56 a.m. B.S.T. today when Ncll^H strong, 38, stepped down from Eagfc, the lunar module. 3j|| carlier than originally plannod. H c was followcd 16 minutes I Cof. Edwin Buzz ” Aldrin, 39, w ho had guidcd Eaglc to a landing on the moon's surfacc at 9.18 p.m.
The hatch was opened at 3.39 a.m.
Armstrong was taking his time getting out. At 3.50 a.m. Armstrong, moving baekwards, asked Aldrin: “How am I doing.” The answer came-back: “ You are doing fine.” He was out a few minutes later.
At about 3.55 a.m., as the first live pictures canie over, Armstrong was seen climbing down baekwards. As he explored the ground with his boot. he said: “ It is Jike powdered charcoal.
It is fine layers.” As he actually stepped on to the moon he said: “ One smali step for Man.”
Armstrong and Aldrin were not due to begin their walk until 7.17 a.m. after several liours’ rest, but before midnight they asked permission from Mission Control at Houston to start tbeir walić earlieiv. Back went tlie reply:
4< We'11 support you any time.”*
^w.e m
'V. july 21. lytiy
Mon 'COUId lice
Moon 9ii'/» teorii —HocU l‘]
Daily Tclcgraph Reporter
39. resigned yesterday as manager of the BnU* Show Jumping team wblc is to compnte tlus 'vcck tl,c Roya\ Internutłooal llorsc Show at Wembłoy-Ik- asked lo be rcHevetf ol }}J® post lollowina atteąalton* i« > ' S.-U ol tfu- World ot cructty
By JOHN M In New
ONE single unnouncers major teievisi
other Americar the biggest cel the century. Vńcl/>rdfle ill Nc\V
Pictures—1 Editorial Contra■
tjor teic BMmoM
gavc tlie go-uh
Yórkers and
«>». Miss Kopechne. lilie nltritcttve btonde secre-
COL. EDWIN ALDRIN Lunar module pilot
karm m-ar Newport Paunch. Uucks. Mr. Robeson. who can-tained tlić British team at tne Tokyo Olyrapics in 19G4. hos tlcnled the allcf.ations.
Mr. Douglas Bunn. 40. ęhair-inait ot' the British Show Jurno* ing Associotioil, said tast niffltt ho would tako over frotn _ atr. Uobeson at the Internationa' Horsc Show. whlch bcftlU! tomorrow.
The decision fohowed a emerycncy hour-Jong meetin of the Aśsociat\im's Committe After the tncctint* Mr. Bttn founder of the famotts jutnpi cottrse at HicUstcad. Susscx. s; attempls to pcrstiade Mr. Ro son to c;irry on as team mana had faited.
There was another shock liritish show jumping yestei wlten Mr. Alan Olivcr. 37. disntissed frotn the British t
Ity MABEL ELLIOTT in Ed gurtowi i, Mass. SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY is expeclcd reccive a summons today to appear in^court for kuling report Ute accident in which his car plunged «nio Naniuckct Sound, killing a woman passenger, Miss i N,ayy Kopechne.
cight or so liours betweeo the limę his car plunged rćDo.r ^ridge on Chapaąuiddick Island and Mr. Kennedy j,as ‘,ny. distraught and shocked. at the policc station here
^GYPT said yesterday
been otlicially for by oolice or
ry to the lnie Senator Robert iedy, was fomid in the back t of tbc submerged car.
The policc chief Mr. Dominie a. told mc yesterday: “ it about 8 a.m. on Saturday
New show manager
Mr. 01ivcr withdrcw bot horses from the European Show Jumping Cltampio at llickstcad, Surrey. on after a series of jura disasters. ttv doing elirainated ItimseU froi championship.
Of Mr. Olivcr’s dismis: Bunn said: ” We fccl view of Mr. 01ivcr*s form in the recent twe we thought it safer to George Hobbs in his pl: PhotoRraphs in the Ne World showed a pole Robcson's farm sludd several hundred raised i another picture illustrat to which
that 17 Israeli planes were shot down and a mis-sile unit and two radar stations destroyed in actions alon.^ the Sucż Canal and Sinai.
Cairo Radio doscribed the action as '* the Arabs* greatest yictory” sińce the Arab-lsraeli war of 1967. There was littlo doubt that it was one of the most
that u was one oi uie skins^ltóa^bl^n^win^f serious dashes betwccn 1 sK,f*fu.!ro<L
“ diving repeatedly savc the girl.
The cvcnU ot the oext houra appear confusing to both Mr. , _ Ł. „ , .
Kennedy aud the policc. \\'et i Egyptłan ngnlcrs destroyed Ihrough but uninjured. he said “ie ground-to-air Hawk mlssile he returncd to the party cottage 1 basc and tv,'° radar sta-ions on and sat in the back of a friend's ł!ie rout? leading to El-Arish in car. On his way from the the Smai peninsuln. accident he musi have nassod at Israeli iets. bombpd tnissile
to try to
E&yptiun and lsrach forccs sińce the six-day war.
According to the n t\\e purpose of the de to tcach a horse to p; feet. to jurop higher
“ cleanly. ’
At Hickstead. whei competing iu a week jumping conipetitń
Knhr»inn c.iiH Im