E? Kolmogorov-Smirnov te X ■+■

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inputarguments alpha = 0.05 Testata 5% level of significance Iftail = 0 (the default). kstest performs a two-sided test with the generał alternative

% Output arguments

% h is the output of the nuli hypcthesis

I nuli hypothesis is that the datJ^is normally distributed % p returns the observed p-value P, ć k the observed Kolraogorov-Smirnov statistic KSSTAT % c the cutoff value CV for determining if KSSTAT is significant

[h,p,k,c] = kstest(Z, [],.05,0)

% here h is the outcome h=0 means we have no reason to reject Ho % here p = 0.6805 (we are testing at 5% ) So we are well over the 5%

% here k = 0.1954

% here the critical value is 0.3754

% The K value .1954 is much less than the CV of .3754 % Plot the empirical cumulative distribution function (cdf) and the % standard normal cdf for a visual comparison. sprintf('We accept the nul hypothesis as h - c"3.2f’,h) sprintf('The returned p value is - fc3.4f'/p)

88 P O m & m & s a \ ~ W <m £m 16rt)5/2016


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