
Pitcher plants still absorb some nutrients through their roots

roots absorb water by osmosis

The roots and s and


xylem transport water and nutrients from roots to rest of plant

long stem keeps the flower far away from pitcher

prevent pollinators from being trapped!


Anatomy of a Flowering Plant:


phloem transport sugars nutrients from the leaves parts

of the plant

Sepals (Calyx)

smali leaves surrounding flower protect the bud

Małe gamete deposited onto back of pollinators


prevents rain from over-filling pitcher guides prey towards tubę entrance

Female gamete develop into seeds

trap entrance Produces nectar

slippery, waxy coating

Genus of north-american pitcher plants

Attracts insects with nectar Insects fali into pitcher digested for nutrients ••

contains digestive fluids #

and other    »

to growing smo0th surlace

fine, downwards-pointing hairs

Pitcher tubę


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