Dianę Pam Steve Ralph fiona | |
1 |
prefers reading to watching TV. |
2 |
watches his/her favourite |
programme with other people. | |
3___ |
llkes to watch famous people |
on TV. | |
4 |
enjoys horror films. |
5 |
llkes programmes about real |
5 Complete the scntences with the comparafwe or
superlatlve form of the adjectlves In brackels.
1 The_(beautiful) Capital
city l've visited is Paris.
2 Whart tht_
(expensive) thing you"ve ever bought?
3 Johnny Depp is_
(attractive) nowthan when he was younger.
4 Kate Wmstefs__ (recent)
nim Is very moving.
5 Paul b tht_(romantic)
boyfriend i’ve had.
6 Ifs tht__(grlpping)
story l’ve ever read.
7 Travelling by coich is (cheap)
than the traln.
8 My new TV has a (good) plcture
than my old one.
9 Who do you thlnk is the (good)
actor In Hollywood?
10 Toda/s horror films are (seaty) than they were łn the past.
ptct urn
6 Complete the senlences with os. too or enough.
1 l don‘t like maths classes. The/re _boring.
2 The new teacher lsn*t popular
as the last one.
3 She dldnt get the part in the Mm because she
lśni attractń/t_.
4 I don’t want to see the film. Ifs violent.
5 The new Superman films aren’t as good
the first ones.
6 We haven't got_money to buy
three tickets.
7 Don't drink that now. Ifs_hoL
8 I dont thlnk 1*11 go for a walk today. Ifs _wet.
9 Why didn*t Kerry get the *ob? She’s _good as Da tren.
10 Is that exercise as difficult_this
7 H 2.04 Listen to the radio phone-ln
programmc. Complete the scntcnccs with the correct names in the box.
places. flffTl HEJ
8 Write a ąuestionnaire to find out what pcople llked to watch on TV when they were chitdren. Include questions about the following:
• hov» many hours of TV they watched
• favourite programmes
• hated programmes
• scary programmes
• after school / weekend programmes
rm Fm
O OxV»c\J UninMttty Plm
Matura Solutions PrHnt*nne<J»ate Tests 2
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