York roei Nlrii



have a new Fres.dent.


^ThcnhCsgoing lo work part-lime.

«. ońećóunwy. In 1993 i. bccame rwo countnes.

thc guards discovered what had happened, the prisoner was on a beach

’ .ogo.o.he^Te.ery day. Vm going lo start tomorrow.

,fw«l    -

FyrncISE 5

^^7wmencfs with by or unii/. Match thc completed sentenccs with the pictures.

Hc'i betto cal thal steak. The labc! says it has to be used_tomorrow.

I [« ? play cards_Ihc rain slops.

! Ycoera get chcaper dothcs only_the end of thc monlh.

) Cai wc havc a room at ihis hotel_Monday?

Yo. bul you will have to leave_midday. "

- f ** °ihen 0P€"-lunchtime on Sundays, so you’11 have to get your


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