Int J Earth Sci 2000) 89 : 336Ä…349 Springer-Verlag 2000
U. Poller ´ M. Janµk ´ M. Koh‚t ´ W. Todt
Early Variscan magmatism in the Western Carpathians:
UÄ…Pb zircon data from granitoids and orthogneisses
of the Tatra Mountains Slovakia)
Received: 19 February 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999
Abstract This study presents the first UÄ…Pb zircon Key words Granitoids ´ UÄ…Pb zircon dating ´
data on granitoid basement rocks of the Tatra Moun- Variscides ´ Tatra Mountains ´ Carpathians ´
tains, part of the Western Carpathians Slovakia). The Cathodoluminescence
Western Carpathians belong to the Alpine Carpathian
belt and constitute the eastern continuation of the
Variscides. The new age data thus provide important Introduction and geological setting
time constraints for the regional geology of the Carpa-
thians as well as for their linkage to the Variscides. The Western Carpathians belong to the AlpineÄ…Car-
UÄ…Pb single zircon analyses with vapour digestion and pathian orogenic belt, which evolved as a classical
cathodoluminescence controlled dating CLC-method) area of the Alpine orogeny during MesozoicÄ…Cenozoic
were obtained from two distinct granitoid suites of the time Plasienka 1995; Plasienka et al. 1997). Their pre-
Western Tatra Mountains. The resulting data indicate Mesozoic rock complexes, however, belong to the
a Proterozoic crustal source for both rock suites. The Variscan basement within the AlpineÄ…Carpathian oro-
igneous precursors of the orthogneisses older gran- genic belt Krist et al. 1992; Putis 1992; Neubauer and
ites) intruded in Lower Devonian 405 Ma) and were von Raumer 1993; Hovorka et al. 1994; Bezµk et al.
generated by partial melting of reworked crustal mate- 1997).
rial during subduction realated processes. In the Absolute age data, done by UÄ…Pb geochronology
Upper Devonian 365 Ma), at the beginning of con- on zircons, are lacking for the basement rocks. The
tinentÄ…continent collision, the older granites were intrusion sequence in the Tatra Mountains is not
affected by high-grade metamorphism including partial known in detail and also the time constrains for major
melting, which caused recrystallisation and new zircon metamorphic events in pre-Variscan time do not exist.
growth. A continental collision was also responsible In order to get a better understanding of the pre-Var-
for the generation of the younger granites iscan and Variscan geology of the Western Carpathi-
350Ä…360 Ma). The presented data suggest multi-stage ans, precise geochronological data are needed. Con-
granitoid magmatism in the Western Carpathians, sequently, the new single zircon data of this paper
related to a complex subduction and collision scenario contribute significantly to the reconstruction of the
during the Devonian and Carboniferous. eastern and southeastern continuation of the Variscan
belt in Central Europe, at the boundary between the
Bohemian Massif and the AlpineÄ…Carpathian orogen.
This study deals with the Variscan basement rocks
U. Poller ´ W. Todt
Ä… orthogneisses and granites Ä… exposed in the Western
Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Abt. Geochemie,
Postfach 3060, D-55020 Mainz, Germany
Tatra Mountains Fig. 1). They belong to the Tatri-
cum, a major tectonic unit in the Western Carpathians
Tel.: +49-6131-305361
that was only weekly affected by Alpine metamor-
Fax: +49-6131-371051
phism Krist et al. 1992). The crystalline basement of
M. Janµk
the Tatra Mountains is composed of pre-Mesozoic
Geological Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, D‚bravskµ 9,
metamorphic rocks and granitoids, overlain by Meso-
842 26 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
zoic and Cenozoic sediments. The metamorphic rocks
M. Koh‚t
are most abundant in the western part Western Tatra
Dionyz Stur Institute of Geology,
Mountains), whereas in the eastern part High Tatra
Geological Survey of Slovakia, 817 04 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic Mountains) the granites are more common. The base-
Fig. 1 A Simplified geotectonic map of Europe after Mosar
the kyaniteÄ…staurolite relics resulted in upper amphi-
1998). B Simplified geological map of the Western Tatra Moun-
bolite facies conditions ca. 640 C and 7 kbar; Janµk
1994). A recent petrological investigation on garnet-
bearing micaschists of the lower unit gave evidence
ment is divided into two tectonic units, differing in for medium-pressure and medium-temperature con-
metamorphic grade and lithology Kahan 1969; Janµk ditions 6Ä…9 kbar, 650Ä…750 C; Gurk 1999).
1994). The upper unit shows high-grade metamorphism
The lower unit, exposed only in the Western Tatra and migmatisation due to partial melting. Its lower
Mountains, is composed of medium-grade micaschists. part is formed by older granites orthogneisses), kyan-
A kyaniteÄ…staurolite zone and a kyaniteÄ…sillimanite ite-bearing paragneisses and banded amphibolites with
zone have been distinguished Janµk et al. 1988; Janµk garnet- and clinopyroxene-bearing eclogitic relics Ja-
1994). PressureÄ…temperature constrains obtained on nµk et al. 1996), indicating high-pressure HP;
10Ä…14 kbar)/high-temperature HT; 700Ä…800 C) con- obtained by the Ar/39Ar method range between 330
ditions. Several samples of the older granites orthog- and 300 Ma Maluski et al. 1993; Janµk and Onstott
neisses) from this HPÄ…HT part of the upper unit were 1993; Janµk 1994). Apatite fission track data record
investigated in this study. Higher levels belonging to the final uplift of the Tatra Mountains in Tertiary
the sillimanite zone contain sillimanite, K-feldspar and time, 15Ä…10 Ma ago Kovµ› et al. 1994).
cordierite-bearing migmatites indicating medium- to The aim of this paper is to present first precise
low-pressure and high-temperature conditions UÄ…Pb single zircon data from older and younger gran-
750Ä…800 C; 4Ä…6 kbar; Janµk et al. 1999). This unit ites of the Tatra Mountains, documenting magmatic
was intruded by a sheet-like granitoid pluton. Ranging events during Devonian and Carboniferous times. The
from leucogranite to biotite tonalite and hornblende new data enable the definition of a timescale for the
diorite Koh‚t and Janµk 1994), the muscoviteÄ…bi- several intrusions of granitoid rocks in the Western
otiteÄ…granites to granodiorites younger granites) are Tatra Mountains. The results allow distinguishing two
the most abundant rocks. For this study several different generations of granites and, additionally, the
younger) granite samples of this pluton were analysed age determination constrains the polyphase metamor-
as well. phic overprint of this region. The data are discussed
It is assumed that both, the lower and the upper with respect to the early Variscan evolution of the
units, were originally one petrological entity and were Tatra Mountains and to the general geodynamics of
later separated by shearing. In fact, there is a gradual the Variscan mountain chain.
increase in the PÄ…T conditions from the micaschists of
the lower unit to the retrograde garnet amphibolites
and the migmatites of the upper unit. Sample description
The crystalline basement of the Tatra Mountains
has been affected by the Variscan and Alpine defor- The investigated rocks are from the upper unit of the
mations Kahan 1969; Fritz et al. 1992). Among the Western Tatra Mountains Fig. 1). Besides three
two D1 and D2) Variscan deformation phases, D1 is coarse-grained porphyric older granites orthogneisses)
related to southeastward thrusting of the upper unit representing the HPÄ…HT suite of the upper unit, three
onto the lower unit. Asymmetric tails of K-feldspars younger granites of the later intruded pluton were
in older granites of the upper unit show the SE sense also investigated in order to obtain precise UÄ…Pb zir-
of thrusting Fritz et al. 1992; Janµk 1994). Defor- con data on the timing of magmatic events in the
mation D2 was related to EW extension and took Tatra Mountains. Both groups of granites can be dis-
place under ductile conditions. D2 largely overprinted tinguished by the grade of metamorphic overprint as
former deformational features and has also affected well as by their ages see Results), but not by their
the granitoids Koh‚t and Janµk 1994). Reliable time textures, and are therefore named older and younger
constraints on the Variscan PÄ…T and tectonometamor- granites.
phic evolutions in the Tatra Mountains are still lack- The older granites orthogneisses) crop out in the
ing. Ziarska Valley UP 1002), the Jamnickµ Valley UP
Alpine influence is documented by mostly brittle 1014) and near the summit of Baranec UP 1025).
deformation D3) at lower PÄ…T conditions, indicating Whereas the samples UP 1002 and UP 1014 were
northwest-directed shearing during Late Cretaceous taken from the lower part of the upper unit, near to
compression. Magnetic fabrics record this shear sense. the border with the lower unit, sample UP 1025 is sit-
D4 is related to updoming during Tertiary extension uated at the top of the upper unit, in close association
and uplift. with migmatites, retrograde garnet-bearing amphibo-
RbÄ…Sr whole-rock data of Burchart 1968) on the lites and younger granites. Overall, the investigated
older granites orthogneisses) of the Tatra Mountains older granites show solid-state deformation in ductile
have indicated an Early Palaeozoic tectonometamor- to brittle conditions Patterson et al. 1989; Gapais
phic event between 420 and 380 Ma. Unfortunately, 1989).
the large error of these data prevents a good res- The older granites are coarse grained, with porphy-
olution of distinct events for the investigated suites. ric, augen-like K-feldspar or and plagioclase grains of
Additionally, the RbÄ…Sr isochron data are contradicto- 2Ä…3 cm size, and exhibit a mylonitic S-C fabric BerthØ
ry: according to Burchart 1968) the granitoids should et al. 1979; Lister and Snoke 1984). The K-feldspar
have crystallised during 310Ä…290 Ma, whereas Gaweda shows microcline twinning and its asymmetrical tails
1995) reported data constraining an intrusion indicate dynamic recrystallisation. The composition of
between 350Ä…340 Ma. Possibly Gaweda took samples plagioclase ranges from albite to andesine, and zona-
from the Western Tatra, whereas Burchart 1968) tion is not observed. Several generations of plagioclase
analysed some rocks which belonged to the High can be defined by textural features as well as by
Tatra suite, which was recently dated by Poller et al. microprobe analyses: plagioclase I has An 35Ä…40, pla-
1999a) to be 315 Ma in age. gioclase II An 18Ä…30 and plagioclase III has albite
Several authors have published cooling ages of composition Koh‚t and Janµk 1994). Most of the
white micas from the granitoids and migmatites older plagioclase grains I+II) are elongated and par-
tially recrystallized. This elongation is due to rotation pletely in solution, homogenized with the spike and
during the deformation. The third generation is found ready for the measurements.
interstitially between the older crystals. Locally, myr- After drying, the samples were loaded on Re single
mekite has developed. The micas form characteristic filaments with silica gel. The isotopic measurements
ªmica-fishº porphyrocblasts. The muscovite is slightly were done on a Finnigan MAT 261 mass spectrometer
phengitic, and the biotite is Fe-rich and often replaced in peak-jumping mode using a secondary electron mul-
by chlorite. Quartz shows undulose extinction, the tiplier.
grains are elongated and recrystallized, and form rib- The total Pb blank was 3 pg. For blank Pb correc-
bons. Rotations of newly grown subgrains together tions the following ratios were used: Pb/
204 207
with recrystallisation of the former magmatic crystals Pb = 18.59; Pb204Pb =15.73. For the common Pb
are responsible for the described phenomena Fitzger- correction galena of the Tatra Mountains was meas-
ald and Stünitz 1993; Passchier and Trouw 1996). ured. The resulting values for correction were: Pb/
204 207
Subordinate garnet almandine 70Ä…75 mol %, spessar- Pb =18.493; Pb204Pb =15.665. All ratios were cor-
tine 15Ä…22 mol %, pyrope < 15 mol %, grossular rected for fractionation using the NBS 982 standard as
< 5 mol %) is strongly retrogressed and often com- reference Todt et al. 1996) and for U using a U-nat
pletely replaced by chlorite Janµk et al. 1993). Acces- standard solution. The analyses were corrected with
sory apatite, zircon, monazite and opaque phases parallel determined fractionation values scattering for
magnetite ilmenite) occur. Pb between 2.9 and 3.1½ per Damu for the period of
The investigated younger granites are exposed near measurements Loveridge 1986).
the summits of Baranec UP 1023), Rohµc UP 1040)
and Bystrµ UP 1036). The sampled rocks are coarse
to medium grained granodiorite to monzogranite and Results
are composed of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar,
biotite and muscovite samples UP 1023 and UP The UÄ…Pb zircon data for the different granitoids see
1040). Sample UP 1036 is free of white mica and Table 1) clearly indicate two separate magmatic
K-feldspar is much less abundant than plagioclase. events in the Western Tatra Mountains, a Lower
Euhedral and subhedral feldspars are randomly orient- Devonian formation of the older granites or future
ed, often being partly replaced by sericite. The micas ªorthogneissesº, and an Upper Devonian/Lower Car-
are weakly deformed with local development of kink boniferous crystallisation of the younger granites.
bands. Quartz grains show undulose extinction and,
similarly to the older granites, beginning subgrain
crystallisation is observed. Older granites orthogneisses)
Under CL the zircons from the older granites show
Analytical techniques several components. Besides few homogeneous mag-
matically zoned zircons, crystals with inherited core
For each sample approximately 20 kg fresh material components or resorbed core areas dominate typical
was prepared by crushing, grinding and sieving. Heavy CL photographs; Fig. 2). Whereas zircon UP 1025-14
minerals were separated from the < 500-mm fraction is a single-phased grain Fig. 2A), grown during one
using a Wilfley table. The heavy mineral fraction was magmatic stage crystallisation), grain UP 1025-39
then treated separated with heavy liquids, and a Fig. 2B) is a two-phase crystal with mixed age infor-
Frantz magnetic separator refined the zircon fraction. mation, showing an inherited core, surrounded by
For all samples, cathodoluminescence CL) mounts euhedral magmatic zones. Also zircon UP 1002-1
were prepared for CL documentation. The CL imag- Fig. 2C) has an inherited core and an outer magmatic
ing was performed on a Hitachi S 450 at the Max- zone, but in this case the core itself shows a very inho-
Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz Germany). mogeneous internal structure. Since such complex
The isotopic measurements were done either on grains yield ambiguous age data, they were excluded
single zircon grains from the zircon fraction of the from the dating.
samples or on half zircon crystals recovered from the For the UÄ…Pb zircon dating of the older granites
CL mounts CLC method; Poller et al. 1997). both described methods, the conventional single-zircon
The zircons were transferred and placed into a spe- dating and the CLC dating, were applied see discor-
cial Teflon bomb with small holes for each individual dia plots; Fig. 3AÄ…C).
205 233
grain Wendt and Todt 1991). A Pb Ä… U or a The older granite UP 1002 from Ziarska valley was
202 233
Pb Ä… U mixed spike and 28n HF were added into dated with five zircon grains Fig. 3A). Whereas the
each hole and the bomb was placed in an oven at lower intercept of the discordia line is fixed by a con-
200 C for approximately 5 days. After complete dis- cordant data point of a homogeneous igneous zircon,
solution, the samples were dried down and 6n HCl the discordia itself is defined by four other grains, con-
was added, followed by 1 day in the oven at the same taining more or less large inherited cores. The upper
temperature. After this step the zircons were com- intercept age is 1980 37 Ma and reflects detrital
Fig. 2 Cathodoluminescence
images of zircons from AÄ…C
older granites and DÄ…F
younger granites of the Tatra
Mountains. See text for
detailed description
Table 1 U Ä… Pb zircon data. CLC cathodoluminescence controlled; VD vapour digestion
No. Sample Method Measured isotopic compositiona Isotopic ratiosb
206 207 208 206 207 207
Utot/ Pb/ 2s Pb/ 2s Pb/ 2s Pb*/ 2s Pb*/ 2s Pb*/ 2s
204 206 206 238 235 206
Pb* Pb Pb Pb U U Pb
UP 1023, Baranec granite
1 UP 1023-1 CLC 16.13 554.63 12.84 0.08316 120 0.07939 165 0.05836 148 0.4623 185 0.05745 160
2 UP 1023-8 CLC 18.14 896.03 26.77 0.06852 155 0.03581 175 0.05306 120 0.3834 192 0.05239 177
3 UP 1023-2 VD 16.94 655.23 17.07 0.07514 116 0.06165 123 0.05619 132 0.4119 163 0.05318 149
4 UP 1023-4 VD 17.45 797.58 11.81 0.07135 124 0.05267 124 0.05451 148 0.4002 180 0.05324 165
5 UP 1023-5 VD 16.83 279.25 13.60 0.10672 127 0.14398 152 0.05619 146 0.4266 127 0.05505 130
UP 1036, Bystra granite
1 UP 1036-1 VD 16.55 166.71 10.74 0.14116 130 0.24942 171 0.05643 135 0.4182 191 0.05375 128
2 UP 1036-4 VD 18.04 983.78 10.68 0.06823 117 0.05149 116 0.05234 132 0.3858 150 0.05347 142
3 T2-29 CLC 16.93 404.15 13.98 0.08946 127 0.11345 146 0.03415 123 0.2554 144 0.05424 167
4 T1-12 CLC 26.14 310.55 11.99 0.10087 116 0.19101 148 0.05534 132 0.4092 179 0.05363 180
UP 1040, Rohace granite
1 UP 1040-23 CLC 13.04 238.34 11.86 0.13078 132 0.24138 173 0.06641 143 0.6560 136 0.07165 135
2 UP 1040-29 CLC 16.43 331.76 13.85 0.09584 127 0.17645 170 0.05474 133 0.3955 198 0.05240 197
3 UP1040-33 CLC 15.55 592.15 18.90 0.07946 141 0.10593 192 0.05891 155 0.4485 118 0.05521 198
4 T2-9 CLC 31.45 332.27 13.24 0.09956 188 0.17975 865 0.02844 356 0.2198 306 0.05605 198
5 UP 1040-1 VD 17.64 294.35 13.12 0.10413 126 0.15996 158 0.05249 137 0.3957 192 0.05467 122
6 UP 1040-2 VD 17.40 1501.68 16.72 0.06349 115 0.04079 116 0.05410 130 0.4018 144 0.05386 130
7 UP 1040-3 VD 17.03 248.43 11.89 0.11301 127 0.18683 158 0.05417 138 0.4070 192 0.05450 114
8 UP 1040-4 VD 14.94 131.22 11.88 0.16838 152 0.36670 141 0.05843 161 0.4780 280 0.05934 129
9 UP 1040-5 VD 15.83 101.76 10.52 0.19598 138 0.45885 112 0.05488 141 0.4013 148 0.05303 217
10 UP 1040-6 VD 17.63 490.58 14.14 0.08400 123 0.15408 148 0.05034 132 0.3791 164 0.05433 160
11 UP 1040-7 VD 15.77 250.75 12.50 0.11141 137 0.24787 191 0.05503 144 0.4098 128 0.05401 113
UP 1002, Ziarska orthogneiss
1 UP 1002-C VD 13.77 1468.64 11.96 0.06466 110 0.09090 123 0.06523 168 0.4936 171 0.05488 121
2 UP 1002-D VD 14.39 438.40 13.89 0.14065 134 0.12168 147 0.20021 240 3.0308 550 0.10979 186
3 UP 1002-F VD 12.27 221.99 11.11 0.12667 121 0.24885 151 0.07148 139 0.6109 101 0.06198 189
4 UP 1002-H VD 13.11 164.86 10.72 0.14760 126 0.26138 165 0.07008 146 0.5812 120 0.06015 123
5 UP 1002-M VD 12.52 156.56 10.98 0.15616 131 0.29635 191 0.07147 153 0.6340 153 0.06433 160
UP 1014, Jamnicka orthogneiss
1 UP 1014-B VD 17.42 3046.25 34.12 0.05833 112 0.15648 140 0.04824 135 0.3564 138 0.05358 120
2 UP 1014-C VD 15.29 1659.66 10.73 0.06279 112 0.14012 138 0.05615 152 0.4188 154 0.05409 121
3 UP 1014-D VD 16.08 287.17 12.31 0.10476 125 0.15715 147 0.05791 149 0.4330 199 0.05423 197
4 UP 1014-E VD 29.85 1172.53 21.92 0.06715 118 0.13770 145 0.02903 123 0.2194 136 0.05481 150
5 UP 1014-F VD 15.34 384.11 11.46 0.09137 118 0.24528 163 0.54024 139 0.3991 159 0.05358 155
6 UP 1014-G VD 15.34 738.50 19.38 0.07377 121 0.09883 136 0.05987 143 0.4475 176 0.05421 159
7 UP 1014-H VD 15.52 530.24 12.22 0.08113 114 0.18777 151 0.05525 141 0.4090 153 0.05397 141
UP 1025, Baranec orthogneiss
1 UP 1025-14 CLC 13.98 236.50 10.88 0.11361 114 0.22906 545 0.06382 135 0.4617 181 0.05247 177
2 UP 1025-30 CLC 14.96 547.12 15.32 0.07892 121 0.l6390 143 0.05893 177 0.4252 109 0.05282 157
3 UP 1025-A VD 15.63 1306.41 38.37 0.06533 121 0.10324 135 0.05705 135 0.4268 172 0.05427 161
4 UP 1025-B VD 13.30 602.29 16.89 0.078l1 116 0.17927 150 0.06452 140 0.4807 173 0.05397 158
5 UP 1025-D VD 16.51 700.24 12.65 0.07460 118 0.08931 133 0.05596 167 0.4159 103 0.05390 188
6 UP 1025-E VD 13.58 886.47 13.49 0.06986 118 0.13093 141 0.06484 140 0.4780 171 0.05347 154
Asterisk indicates radiogenic lead Corrected for fractionation
2s errors refer to 2s standard deviation of the mean of two to Corrected for blank, spike and common Pb
six blocks; given are the last 2 3) digits
grains from the source of the magma, and the lower stages, the first one, representing the intrusion age,
intercept age is 406 5 Ma due to magmatic crystals. and the second one, constraining a high-temperature
The MSWD value for the discordia is 2.6. overprint under melting conditions, e.g. anatexis dur-
The older granite UP 1025 from Baranec was dated ing the rise of the magma. This fits well with the new
with six grains Fig. 3B). All data points fit within the PÄ…T 750Ä…800 C, 4Ä…6 kbar) data observed on the
error of the concordia line. Two different crystallisa- neighbouring migmatites Janµk et al. 1999).
tion stages are documented by the zircon ages: the The older granite UP 1014 from Jamnickµ valley
first one again around 405 Ma 3 zircons) and the sec- was dated by seven grains of prismatic and pyramidic
ond one around 360 Ma. Both stages are represented shape Fig. 3C). They define a discordia line through
by homogeneous magmatic zircons. Therefore, the zero with an upper intercept of 362 13 Ma Fig. 3C).
older Baranec granite should have seen two magmatic The upper intercept is again constrained by concor-
later metamorphic overprint during the thrusting of
the upper onto the lower unit.
Younger granites
The zircons from the younger granites are less compli-
cated than those of the older granites. Most grains
show either a homogeneous magmatic zonation sin-
gle-phase crystals) or a combination of inherited core
and outer magmatic rim. Resorbed core areas, such as
those observed in some zircons of the older granites,
do not occur typical zircons; Fig. 2DÄ…F).
Grain UP T1-29 Fig. 2D) is representative of the
single-phase zircons, showing only magmatic zonation.
In contrast, crystal T1-23 Fig. 2E) documents two
growth phases: a magmatically zoned, highly lumines-
cent core, and a magmatically zoned, but less lumines-
cent, rim. As the inner core is rounded, it presumably
represents an older inherited component, rather than
a magmatic phase with different chemical composi-
tion. Zircon UP 1023-8 Fig. 2F) contains a small
rounded inherited core, which is surrounded by a
broad overgrowth. Such composite grains would pro-
vide both age information and constrain a discordia
line with inherited upper and magmatic lower inter-
cept ages. Consequently, the UÄ…Pb dating of the gran-
itoids was performed using the conventional as well as
the CLC method.
For the younger granite UP 1023 from Baranec,
three zircons were concordant Fig. 4A). Together
with two core-bearing crystals they define a discordia
with a poorly defined upper intercept age of 1770
800 Ma and a lower intercept at 347 14 Ma. The
large error of the upper intercept age is due to the
small amounts of inherited material in grains UP
1023-5 and UP 1023-8 Fig. 2F); therefore, it was not
possible to characterise the age of the protolith more
The emplacement age of the younger granite UP
1036 from Bystrµ was dated by four grains, which
define a discordia line through zero. The upper inter-
cept at 357 16 Ma is constrained by concordant zir-
cons Fig. 4B).
The geochronology of zircons from the younger
granite UP 1040 from Rohµc is more complicated and
for this sample two discordia lines have been drawn
Fig. 4C). Six zircons were combined to a discordia
206 207
line going through zero, yielding an upper intercept of
Fig. 3A Ä… C Pb/238U vs Pb/235U plots for the older granites
of the Western Tatra Mountains
369 19 Ma. A second discordia with five zircons has
a lower intercept at 363 11 Ma, fixed by concordant
zircons, and an upper intercept yielding an age around
dant analyses. Some of the analysed zircon grains 2530 400 Ma. Both discordia lines result in overlap-
ping Upper Devonian granite emplacement ages that
show slight Pb loss, possibly due to the metamorphic
are constrained by concordant data points. As for the
overprint of the samples.
Baranec granite, the inherited component in the dis-
The Devonian age around 405 Ma UP 1002, UP
cordant zircons of the Rohµc granite was not large
1025) is interpreted as crystallisation and emplacement
enough to provide a good spread and therefore a
age of the precursor of the future orthogneisses,
better characterisation of the upper intercept age.
whereas the younger 360 Ma event is explained as
Fig. 5 Rb vs Y+Nb) plot after Pearce et al. 1984) to discrimi-
nate different tectonic settings for granitoids. VAG volcanic arc
granites; COLG collisional granites; WPG within-plate granites;
ORG ocean ridge granites
tional features from geochemistry have to be added
for a better understanding of the situation.
The new UÄ…Pb zircon data document two distinct
magmatic events in Lower Devonian and in Devonian/
Lower Carboniferous time. Following Poller et al.
1998, 1999b), the early Devonian granites represent
former S-type or hybrid H-type granitoids ASI values
above 1.1), which are dominated by a source material
of crustal characteristics such as old metasediments),
documented by eNd 0) values between-6 and -10, and
eSr 0) values scattering between 72 and 140. The
PbÄ…Pb isotopic composition also confirms the upper
crustal character of the investigated rocks Poller et
al. 1999b).
On the basis of several discrimination diagrams
using SiO2, Zr, Rb, Y and Nb see Table 2), a volcan-
ic-arc to collisional environment is inferred for the
two granite suites of the Western Tatra Mountains. In
the Rb vs Y+Nb) diagram after Pearce et al. 1984;
Fig. 5) all investigated samples fall inside the VAG
field. This diagram uses Rb as the discriminating ele-
206 207
ment between volcanic arc and collisional regimes.
Fig. 4A Ä… C Pb/238U vs Pb/235U plots for the younger gran-
ites of the Western Tatra Mountains Due to metamorphic processes and other influencing
factors, such as weathering, since the emplacement of
the rocks, Rb enrichment would be much more proba-
ble than depletion. Therefore, the characterisation of
the Western Tatra granites as volcanic-arc rocks or
Discussion and conclusion active continental margin magmatites, which cannot
be distinguished using geochemical parameters) seems
The presented age data documenting Early Variscan to be reasonable. In addition, the REE spectra of the
magmatism in the Western Tatra Mountains are diffi- Western Tatra granites show the typical pattern of arc
cult to connect with plate tectonics; therefore, addi- to collision-related granitoids Pearce et al. 1984).
Table 2 Major element in
Older granites Younger granites
weight percent), trace and rare
element in parts per million)
UP 1002 UP 1014 UP 1025 UP 1023 UP 1036 UP 1040
data of older and younger
granites of the Western Tatra
wt. %)
Mountains. n.d. not detected
SiO2 170.44 163.63 167.80 73.76 170.90 173.10
TiO2 110.26 110.82 110.55 10.08 110.40 110.21
Al2O3 116.32 117.15 116.86 14.71 114.87 115.12
Fe2O3 112.57 115.49 113.40 10.73 112.79 111.79
MnO < 0.01 110.07 110.05 10.01 110.03 110.03
MgO 111.14 112.38 111.54 10.24 111.00 110.51
CaO 111.72 112.89 112.43 13.16 112.93 111.09
Na2O 116.04 113.97 114.46 10.53 114.97 114.39
K2O 111.38 112.61 112.18 14.95 111.04 113.09
P2O5 110.04 110.10 110.15 10.11 110.37 110.07
GV 111.01 111.02 111.02 10.98 111.01 111.02
Sum 100.92 100.13 100.44 99.26 100.31 100.42
Ba 300 792 549 2481 307 826
Co 148 132 132 1165 131 137
Cr 120 172 117 1114 118 113
Cu 119 117 113 1110 113 117
Ga 115 122 120 1112 116 119
Nb 115 116 110 1113 117 117
Ni 119 128 114 1116 115 112
Pb n.d. n.d. n.d. 1140 n.d. n.d.
Rb 157 186 175 1175 128 171
Sc 117 115 110 1113 118 115
Sr 300 429 515 1312 357 310
Th n.d. n.d. n.d. 1112 n.d. n.d.
U n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
V 155 112 179 1111 130 123
Y 116 113 110 1116 127 112
Zn 135 131 188 1132 150 139
Zr 128 187 145 1139 197 197
La 113.88 141.37 125.25 1113.40 145.28 116.27
Ce 117.85 179.44 150.94 1125.45 192.37 132.25
Pr 110.98 119.71 116.40 1113.05 111.87 113.82
Nd 113.93 136.06 124.14 1111.51 143.61 113.97
Sm 111.07 116.48 114.75 1112.36 119.81 112.59
Eu 110.88 111.46 111.34 1111.86 111.88 110.64
Gd 111.16 114.85 113.58 1111.75 118.48 111.98
Tb 110.18 110.60 110.44 1110.20 111.19 110.28
Dy 111.08 112.90 112.28 1111.05 116.35 111.58
Ho 110.18 110.47 110.38 1110.17 111.05 110.29
Er 110.47 111.05 110.93 1110.41 112.31 110.83
Tm 110.06 110.11 110.12 1110.06 110.27 110.13
Yb 110.33 110.68 110.69 1110.38 111.29 110.70
Lu 110.05 110.10 110.11 1110.06 110.17 110.09
Thus, a Devonian subduction-related melting with age of Baranec solder granite) is documented by
generation of principal crustal granites with weak newly grown zircons with typical magmatic zonation
juvenile influence) mainly from old metasedimentary Fig. 2A). Therefore, the older granites must have suf-
material is supposed for the Western Tatra Poller et fered a high-temperature stage after the crystallisation,
al. 1999b). The close association with HP metamor- responsible for these new concordant zircons. This is
phic rocks retrograde eclogite; Janµk et al. 1996) sug- also confirmed by the dehydration melting of musco-
gests that the older granites represent anatectic melts vite and biotite in the neighbouring migmatites Janµk
inside the continental crust that were generated at HP et al. 1999). The CL images of the zircons show the
conditions ~ 10 kbar) during subduction. These proc- homogeneous oscillatory zonation of these grains and
esses should have taken place approximately 406 Ma gives evidence that subsequently no resetting or Pb
ago, the emplacement age of the older granites. Upper loss happened in this case the structures visible with
intercept ages indicate the involvement of crustal CL would be diffuse; Poller and Huth 1999). These
material of Proterozoic age. grains, showing no Pb loss at all, must have crystal-
The Carboniferous age around 365 Ma upper lised again during the high-temperature overprint of
intercept age of Jamnickµ older granite, concordant the older granites. Thus, the 365-Ma age dates the
mid-Devonian metamorphism, which should have and Penninic units of the Eastern Alps Neubauer et
reached 750Ä…800 C, 8Ä…10 kbar Janµk et al. 1996; Lud- al. 1999). Early Variscan HP metamorphism around
hova and Janµk 1999). Such temperatures imply that 360 Ma von Eynatten et al. 1996) is reported by
partial re-melting of the older granites that occurred ArÄ…Ar data on detrital minerals phengite and glaco-
approximately 40 Ma after their emplacement caused phane) in sediments of the Cretaceous cover. Compa-
the new growth of magmatic-zoned zircons. rable ArÄ…Ar ages were also found for detrital micas
This can be attributed to substantial crustal heating from Upper Austroalpine sediments Handler et al.
due to the detachment or break-off of a downward 1997) and record an Early Variscan metamorphism
oceanic slab e.g. Blanckenburg and Davis 1995). Also 400Ä…360 Ma). For the Kaintaleck Nappe Upper Aus-
convective removal of the lithospheric root Platt and troalpine) Neubauer and Frisch 1993) discussed a tec-
England 1994) at the end of subduction is possible. tonothermal activity during the mid-Palaeozoic. A
Most propable is the collision of two continental Variscan HP evolution is discussed by Schulz 1990),
blocks microplates) causing crustal thickening up to which has to be related to the general Early Variscan
50 km. Such a thickened continental crust will produce convergence Frisch and Neubauer 1989; Ring and
not only high-temperature but also high-pressure con- Richter 1994). Such data are confirmed by SmÄ…Nd
ditions as detected in the upper unit assemblages of garnet ages from the Ötztal eclogites Miller and
the Tatra. Therefore, such a collisional event together Thöni 1995).
with the upwelling mantle could have triggered wide- In the Tatricum Lower Austroalpine nappes) a
spread partial melting of the crust and might be Devonian metamorphic event Neubauer et al. 1999)
responsible for the metamorphic overprint of the older is inferred from RbÄ…Sr mineral isochrons Cambel and
granites during Middle to Late Devonian time. Later, Kral 1989). Similar data obtained on white micas from
the younger granites could have intruded into higher the Wechsel unit Neubauer et al. 1999) are inter-
crustal levels during the thrusting of the upper unit preted to represent the Devonian peak of metamor-
onto the lower unit, as suggested by field and struc- phism.
tural observations Fritz et al. 1992; Janµk 1994). The The described metamorphic evolution is also
younger granites were only weakly influenced by these reported from the Bohemian Massif, where UÄ…Pb zir-
shearing processes because of their upper position in con ages around 390 Ma were found in the Erbendorf-
the crust. Vohenstrauss zone Teufel et al. 1986; Teufel 1987).
The evolutionary scheme of the Western Tatra The RbÄ…Sr whole-rock data indicate medium-pressure
Mountains as described above has to be discussed also conditions around 384 Ma Teufel 1987) in the Dros-
in the context of the Variscan geology of Central sendorf unit.
Europe. In palaeotectonic reconstructions of the Early Appreciating this general tectonic situation, it is
Palaeozoic Frisch and Neubauer 1989; Flügel 1990; concluded that the older granites of the Western Tatra
Neubauer and von Raumer 1993; Stampfli 1996), the Mountains received their metamorphic overprint
Western Tatra Mountains are seen as a lateral prolon- under collisional conditions during Late Devonian/
gation of the Eastern Alps and of the Eastern Carpa- Early Carboniferous times, when they were involved
thians as a part of the Hun superterrane Stampfli in shearing and upthrusting of continetal crustal blocks
1996). It has migrated since the Silurian, towards the plates).
Laurasian continent. The advancing drift is enreg- The younger granites UP 1040, UP 1036, UP 1023)
istered by SilurianÄ…Devonian active continental mar- have ages between 363 11 and 347 14 Ma. Their
gin rocks Heinisch 1988; Neubauer and Sassi 1993; geochemical characteristics with ASI values between
Loeschke and Heinisch 1993; Schönlaub 1993) and has 1.05 and 1.25 indicate a hybridic character. This means
been confirmed by palaeomagnetic data Schätz et al. that the investigated granites were generated by anat-
1997; Tait et al. 1998). exis of crustal material from different origin.
Consequently, two distinct geological situations Reworked oceanic crust from the downward slab was
must be envisaged, the break-up and drift of the involved in this magma generation as well as remolten
future Variscan basement areas on the Gondwana continental sediments, which build the main part of
side, and the accretion to collision of the continental the new granitoid magma. The influence of the
blocks on the Laurasia side. This critical period of the reworked oceanic crust is visible in the PbÄ…Pb isotopes
Devonian, when certain areas microplates) amalga- as well as in the eNd 0) values, scattering between Ä…5
mated with the continents, is recorded by the dating and Ä…7 Poller et al. 1998, 1999b). A contribution of
of the Western Tatra granites. basaltic mantle material, such as MORB, is not con-
A common Early Variscan 420Ä…380 Ma) tectono- strained by the isotopic characteristics. The geotec-
metamorphic evolution has been discussed by Dall- tonic setting of the younger granites, as inferred from
meyer et al. 1996) for the Eastern Alps, the Western the geochemical characterisation Fig. 5), is again a
Carpathians and for the Apuseni mountains. Com- volcanic-arc to active continental margin regime and
pared with the former adjacent domains, the influence therefore the same as for the older granites.
of the SilurianÄ…Devonian metamorphic event is found The oldest of the investigated granitoids is the
in several tectonic slices composing the Austroalpine granite UP 1040 from Rohµc, with a crystallization
Fig. 6A Ä… C Simplified geodynamic evolution of the Western
obtained for the sample UP 1040 from Rohµc 2530
Tatra area during Early Variscan time
400 Ma) and for the granite UP 1023 from Baranec
1770 800 Ma). However, due to the absence of
age of 363 11 Ma, which is coeval with the recrystal- larger inherited cores, the crustal sources were not
lization age of the orthogneisses. In good correspond- better constrained. Nevertheless, a Proterozoic compo-
ence with this age are the crystallization ages of the nent as the main source for the granitoids of the Tatra
granite UP 1036 Bystrµ) with 357 16 Ma and of the Mountains is suggested.
granite UP 1023 Baranec) with 347 14 Ma. Thus, Low eNd 0), high initial Sr/86Sr ratios and crustal
the crystallization of the granitoids in the Western residence ages around 1400 Ma suggest that this last
Tatra Mountains started 363 11 Ma ago and ended magmatic event in the Western Tatra Mountains was
before 347 14 Ma in Lower Carboniferous time. probably related to heating from upwelling mantle
The crustal-dominated character of the Tatra gran- after detachment of the lithospheric root Blanken-
ites is also indicated by very old detrital zircon ages burg and Davies 1995). Such a scenario may also be
responsible for the involvment of the reworked During the same time, the upper unit is thrusted
oceanic crust. Similar intrusion ages of granitoids onto the lower unit, which is formed by the former
related to the Variscan collision were reported for accretionary wedge sediments of microcontinent C.
granitoids from the Malµ Fatra, the Velkµ Fatra and The intrusion of the younger granites took place dur-
the StrasocskØ Mountains 355 10 Ma; Koh‚t et al. ing rapid exhumation and in higher crustal levels.
1997; Krµl et al. 1997). KÄ…Ar and RbÄ…Sr mineral and Although the proposed evolutionary scheme fits
whole-rock analyses of granitoids from the Tatric and well with the geodynamic concepts for the Variscan
Veporic units of the Carpathians resulted in ages orogeny, integrated studies are needed for a detailed
between 348 2 and 362 21 Ma Cambel et al. 1980; geologically reasonable reconstruction of the Variscan
Bagdasaryan et al. 1986; Krµl et al. 1987). crustal evolution in the Tatra Mountains and the
Although the envisaged two-step model of granite Western Carpathians.
evolution during advancing collision of continental
Acknowledgements We are grateful to J. Huth for help with
blocks microplates) seems to be reasonable and in
SEM and to G. Feyerherd and I. Bambach for the final styling
agreement with available data in the Variscides, the
of the figures.We thank L. Feld for correction of the style. A.
question of the direction of the subduction in Silurian
Hofmann is gratefully acknowledged for providing the possibility
and Devonian times is still unanswered.
to work at the MPI and for critical review of the manuscript.We
also thank J. von Raumer, M. Raith, P. Blümel and an anony-
Considering the Silurian active continental margin
mous reviewer for critical and helpful comments which
at the northern border of Gondwana Stampfli 1996),
improved previous versions of the paper. This work was sup-
subduction could have continued in this same sense up
ported by the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and the DFG PO
to the Devonian. Consequently, the older granites of
the Western Tatra may represent late granites from
this active continental margin, probably indicating
crustal thickening due to the collison of two micro-
plates at the northern border of Gondwana. This sub-
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