Defenders' total damage: Anackers' to:al damage:


Battle statistics

Top defending countries:

• ™ Poland-936,686,242 ► E2 South Korea 120,349,685

•    Chile 43,726,268

££ United Kingdom 30,520,475

•    il USA 5,715,161

•    ^ Greece 2,853,383

•    m Turkey 894,215

•    S Indonesia 245,060

•    |c Pakistan 92,470

•    * Taiwan 43,875 • m Iran 39,348

•    T France 38,045

•    o Israel 21,545

Top defending military units:

9 22 SAS Regiment - -794,008,062^ ■ ££ j. DS 3 45 - 42,895,834 a M TOP GUN-5,715,161

1 British Territorial Army - 3,528,397 ■i $ Guerlla II - 3,036,360

Top attacking countries:

•    S Indonesia 32,859,222

•    ™ Colombia 11,136,305

•    n Japan 7,428,812

•    m Spain 7,001,724

•    "13 Ireland 5,942,020

•    TT Canada 4,722,210

•    T France 4,384,451

• <!S Malaysia 4,031,100

•    ™ Poland 2,769,200

•    - Cambodia 887,090 • B China 817,085

•    |c Pakistan 449,577

•    ^ Greece 356,630 • __ Germany 230,135

•    ££ United Kingdom 3,894

Top attacking military units:

•    m & BLACK ARMY-32,859,222

$3 Milicia Independiente Elitę -12,943,744 U GreenWater Shadow Amy -11,136,305

•    ■ BI Zombies Army - 7,428,812

•    T # Blabla Heroes-4,384,451


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