Institute of Information and Book Studies University of Warsa w 11-12 May 2013, Warsaw
The wide dissemination and rap id development of Computer information technology implies constant change, both in the research field of information science and practical information services carried out in various areas of social life: science, business, government, culture, education, health care and many others. The aim of the conference „Information Science in an Age of Change” is to monitor the transformations taking place, the presentation of new concepts and research methods, and designed and implemented new ways to improve information tools and services.
The scope of the conference covers a wide rangę of theoretical and practical aspects of modern information tools and services, their organization and management, evaluation and use as well as the methods and technologics applied in these scmces. This year in particular we want to focus on relationships between information science and digital humanities. The planned discussions will cover the following topics:
- digital humanities as research suhject in information science
- digital tools and environment for humanities
- social and philosophical aspects of digital revolution
- new technologies and access to cultural, scientific and technical heritage
- digital humanities and Semantic Web
- mobile access to information and the needs of digital humanities
- digital scientific communication
- data literacy - digital competencies in data acąuisition and processing
- data librarianship - competencies and education of librarians as intermecliaries in research data accessing
- information and knowledge visualization in humanities
- quantitative and qualitative research of social media
- quantitative and qualitative research of digital literaturę
- data repositories for digital humanities
- virtual exhibitions
- dala curation
- e-publishing
- centres and tools of digital humanities and libraries
- communication channels in digital environment
- information behaviour in digital environment