Information for Authors
1. l ilie and abstract (300-600 words) of ihe proposed paper should be submitted by e-mail infnauk2015@gmail.com until 15 March 2015
2. Notification of acceptance (in the form of a paper or poster) will be passed to authors by 30 March 2015
3. Fuli text of the paper should be sent by e-mail until 10 May 2015. Articles selected on the base of reviews will be placed in a reviewed post-conference publication. Detailed guidance for the authors will be transferred along with the information about the acceptance of the paper.
4. Estimated time of the paper presentation: 15 minutes
Participation in the conference
Persons interested in participating in the conference are reąuested to send the application form by 10 April 2015 with the conference fee in the amount of 100 EURO.
rlhe participant registration fee, in addition to participation in the conference, has provided:
- conference information materiał
- catering in 2 coffee breaks (first and second day of the conference)
- lunch in the first and second day of the conference participation in the evening event on the first day of the conference
- the reviewed conference proceedings.
Adres Wydawnictwa
ul. Konopczyńskiego 5/7 00-335 Warszawa, tel. 22 8275296
Prenumerata i sprzedaż Dział Promocji i Kolportażu SBP Al. Niepodległości 213, 02-086 Warszawa, tel. 22 825 5024 Cena prenumeraty na 2014 r. - 114 zł
Wydawnictwo SBP - Warszawa 2014. Nakład 350 egz. Ark. wyd. 13,6. Ark. druk. 11.
Skład i łamanie: Justyna Grzymała Druk i oprawa: Mazowieckie Centrum Poligrafii ul. Piłsudskiego 2A, 05-270 Marki, www.c-p.com.pl e-mail: biuro@c-p.com.pl, tel. 22 4976655