Monday. 16 Seplember

unconditional reliability. repioducibility and specific accuracy (error bars) of Ihe analysis.

DilTraction iheorics suilable for nanociystals. i.e. gol rid of infinile ciystal si/c assumptions. are woefully complex. howwer. In rccognition of the problem, a mild-complex diffraclion theory for nanomaterials wrapped in a user-friendly web-based seryice has been atlcmptcd.

It is aimcd to provide browser-based lool thal pcrfonns microstmctural analysis of nanocrystalline malcrials by nearly automalic processing of powder XRD paltem. Employed diffraclion Iheoiy lakes inlo account finile crystallite sizes. distribution of sizes (Grain Size Dislribulion). procides reliable error bars and authoritative status infonnation (qual-ity/quantity of input data in/sufficient for tlie processing).


Monday aftemoon. 16 September. 12:35

NANOFORCE Info Day: nano-regulations, law, tox-icity, nanometrology

Monday aflemooii. 16 September. 13:40 C.hair: Anna Swiderska-Sroda


Polish Research Projects

Nanoforcc projcct, presentation of goals and achivcmcnts

Joanną Sobęzyk

Polish Academy of Sciences, Inslilule of High Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS), Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142, Poland e-mail: jsobczykidunipress.waw.pl

Nanoforce is one of the European projects which deals with the nano-safety problem.

Thanks to OECD initiaticvcs and funds froin European Coinmission. was possible rcalization of this project inyestigations. Comparisions of rosults and aclmements of all similar projects and rcsearch which recently are performed in the 7-th Frame Program. give the possibility to have wider overview on nanotechnology responsible use.

The first step in the project it was research on current legał regulations about nanotechnology and ftnding out what is the situation at the moment in Central Europę countries. Aftcr completing all tasks in the project we will woik out on the list of recommendations for futurę development of nanotechnology. Also we will try to draw the futurę development Road Map in time horizon of next four years.

One of the main part of the project is devoted to detection of unique nanomaterials properties by using stale of the ari methods of character-izatioa For three choscn nanomaterials nano-Ag. nano-ZnO and nan-oTi02, were madę veiy detailed characterization with using cross-impact of the methods. To get the answer about toxicity and eco-tox-icity' of this nanomaterials were madę some toxicological tests. Next, the Safety Data Sheets were elaborated as well as Exposure Scenarios. Report from that part of the project should inelude carcfully describcd list of performed experiments. results and conclusions.

The tliird part is dedicated to build up Gnancial background for futurę development of nanotechnological SEMs. That’s for in the project was dcvcloped Nanodcals Generator to place ideas which could be finanscd in the futurę. Detailed description about Nanotechnologyr Industry and companies in Central Europę were woiked out as well as description of future perspeethes for development. New established Technological Parks in Poland could be best place to host new SEMs.

nullitask work should be involved to fulfill ies and knowledge to answer all the open

13:50    Irnited orał

Nanomaterials' EU Icgislatirc actiritics - situation at 16 September 2013

Paulina Porebska-Sektas. Andrzej Krześlak. Marcela Palczewska-Tulińska

Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej (IChP), Rydygiera 8, Warszawa 01-793, Poland

e-mail: Paulina.Porebska@ichp.pl


The usage of nanomaterials and nanotechnology in many sectors of industiy is becoming more common. Therefore. the total quantity of nanomaterials placing on the market is inereasing rapidly y car by year. The industry is attracted by the wide rangę of benefits and possibilities offered by these materials.|l] However, because of lack of definite answer whether the use of nanomaterials is safe or not. in 2008, the European Commission decided to launch the first regulatory review of the EU legislation concerning nanomaterials.


2.1.    Dcfinition

As a result of the first review. in 2011. new definition of nanomaterial has been introduced by tlie European Commission. It is based solcly on the size of the constitucnt particlcs of a materiał, without regard to liazard or risk |2|. The definition engendered a wide discussion among stakcholdcrs and will be reviewed in 2014. European Commission plans to implement the new definition in tlie EU legislatioa howwer. injustified cases sector specific Solutions may also still apply 11|.

2.2.    Regulation No 1907/2006 (REACH)

Nanomaterials are covered by the provisions of the Regulation No 1907/2006 (REACH) concerning the Registration. Evaluation. Author-isation and Rcstriction of Chemicals. Therefore nanomaterials that are producedorimportedoutsidetheCommunity inquantitiesover 1 tonne anually per rclcvant producer/importer must be regislered. Registrants decide whether tlieir nanomaterial is a form of a bulk substance (then nano form is included in a dossier for the bulk substance) ora separate nanosubstancc (then it is regislered on its own). In opinion of some NGOs, REACH in current State is not able to provide sufficient control over these materials and changes in the legał text and annexes or even a separate legislation are needed (3). Tlie European Commission has published public consultation on potential changes in REACH Rcgula-tion to bettercover substances in nanoscale. Respondents have 6 options to consider. for example: no policy actions. changes in certain annex provisions. guidance updates or introducing reyised or additional end-points. The consultation rons until 13 September 2013. [41

2.3.    Regulatory initiatires on national IcycI

In opinion of sweral Member States current regulations are not sufficient to proyide safety of nanomaterials. France has published a decree on the annual declaration on substances at nanoscale. It requires companies. priyate and public research laboratories to declare tlie quantities and uses of substances produced. distributed or imported in France at nanoscale. The declaration is mandatory for substances produced. im-ported or distributed during the preyious year in a quantity greater than 100 g and must be submitted before the lst May each year. (5).



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