Monday. 16 Seplember
18:00 Poster NF7
Rcleasc of nanomctcr-sizcd particles during abrasion of construction materiał
Urs/ula A. Mikołajczyk. Stella Bujak-Pietrek. Irena Szadkowska-Stańczyk
Instilule of Occupational Medicine, Teresy 8, Łódź 90-950, Poland e-mail:
Background. During abrasion of construction materials containing nanoparticles. the lattercan be released to the emironment. Inhalation of these particles can cause sy mptoms of iespiratoiy disease in workers. The aim of the present study was to assess the concentration. surfacc area and mass of particles willi nanometer dimensions (nanoparticles) released during abrasion of mortar. Mcthod. The measurements of the number. surface area and mass of nanoparticles were carried out in the laboratory of a construction plant before. during the application and abrasion of nano-mortars and afterwards. The concentralionof <1,000 nm nanoparticles in tenns of their number was determined using a condensation particie counter (CPC), the mass concentration was determined by a monitor of aerosol concentration in air (DustTrak) and the surface concentration of the nanoparticles possibly deposited in the ah eolar (A) and tracheo-bronchial (TB) regions was determined by a nanoparticle monitor (AeroTrak). RESULTS. The mean number concentration of particles determined during abrasion was 8400.6 particlcs/cm3 of air, whilc the corresponding values determined before and after the e.\amined process was 7881.6 and 6435.8 particles/cm3. respectively. Tlte surface area of the <1000 nm particles potentially deposited in legion A was 18.99 pm2/cm3 during grinding, while before and after the operation the corresponding values weie 15.73 pm2/cm3 and 13.89 pm2/cm3. respectiyely. For the TB fraction. the corresponding values were 5.00 pm2/cm3 during, 3.65 pm2/cm3 before and3.13 pm2/cm3 after the procedure. respectiyely. The mass concentration of the particles was 0.10 mg/m3. while the corresponding yalues before and after the operation were 0.10 mg/m3 and 0.09 mg/m3, respectiyely. CONCLUSIONS. The number of particles smaller than 1000 nm released in the process inereased by 6,6% while particie surface area possibly deposited in the region A lias inereased by 21%, and in the region TB it has inereased by 37%. The mass concentration of particles does not changc during the cxamined process. This woik has been supported by the grant of the Minister of Science and Higher Education No. 5052/B/PO1/2010/38 and 7PR/236215/2011
18:00 Poster NFS
Comparison of in yitro cytotoxicitv of platinum nanoparticles and cisplatin against humans glioma cclls linc
Marta Prasek1 2. Ewa Sawosz Chwalibóg2, Sławomir Jaworski2. Mateusz Wierzbicki2. Marta Grodzik3
1. Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (SGG W), Nowoursynowska 166, Warszawa 02-787, Poland 2. Warsa*r Universily of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska I59C. Warsów 02-787, Poland e-mail: marla
Background. Gliomas are the most aggressiye and common primary tumors of central ucryous system (CNS). Platinum bascd dmgs are wildly use in medicine as a chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of tumors. However. the poor penetralion of CNS is characteristic for drugs containing platinum and the chemotherapy based on platinum salt can be ineffectiye against brain tumors. Recently tlie new biologic-ally actiye platinum nanoparticles (NP-Pt) can be useful as a therapeut-ics in gliomas cancer therapy.
The aim of the study was to irwestigate and compare the toxicity of NP-Pt and cisplatin and their proapoptotic or neerotie properties in examination with glioma cells linę (U87).
Materials & methods. NP-Pt were characterized by electron transmis-sion microscopy (TEM). The NP-PT and cisplatin were ineubated with glioma cells. The comparison the biological properties of NP-Pt and cispatin were eyaluated through morphology, metabolic actiyity, viab-ility. mortality and the type of celi death of U87 glioma celi linę. Rcsults. NP-Pt and cisplatin are toxic to glioma cells and actiyated apoptosis in the U87 celi linę. NP-Pt treatment actiyated programmed celi death without activating necrosis. The effectiyeness of cisplatin and NP-Pt treatment against glioma cells were mostly at the same level. Conclusions. The results suggest not only genotosic and cytotoxic effect caused by NP-Pt but also the celi cycle arrest and apoptosis in NP-Pt trcated cells. The comparison between effectiyeness of treatment cancer cells by NP-Pt and cisplatin showed promising results for futurę słudies. The results indicate that properties of NP-Pt might be utilized for brain cancer therapy
Monday evcning. 16 Septcmbcr. 19:00
Posters presented during breaks
19:00 Poster CePTl
|CEPT] Studics of nanoparticles sizc distribution
Aleksandra E. Kędzierska12. Jacek Wojnarowicz2. Agnieszka Opalińska1,2, Tadeusz Chudoba2. Witold Łojkowski2
Instilule of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (UNIPRESS), Sokołowska 29/37, Warsaw 01-142, Poland2. Warsów Unirersity of Technology, Facully of Materials Science and Engin-eering. Wołoska 141, Warsaw 02-507, Poland e-mail:
Research at the Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonics and Nanomedicine. IHPP PAS team is focused on synthesis and character-ization of nanomaterials and their possible applications in medicine. optics. cosmetics and other industrial fields.
One of the most important issues of nanomaterials characterization is size of their agglomerates or particles in differenł dispersants. One of use method is Nano Tracking Analysis (NTA). frorn NANOSIGHT. Principle of mcasuring is bascd on detection and live yisualization of a single nanoparticle diffusion in colloidal suspension. Measured particie size rangę from 10 nm to 2 pm.
Other. also popular technique is Dynamie Light Scattering (DLS). In our Laboratory. we use Zetasizer NanoSeries, from MALVERN company. This measuring tcchnique calculate size of particie from changing intensity of laser light, which is scattered at different intens-ities by particie moyement (Brownian motions). Measured particie size rangę from 1 nm to 10 pm.
Adyantages of possibility to measure particles/agglomerates distribution with both of methods and use of standardized procedures (PN/EN ISO 17025) are dipper and better characterization of colloidal suspensions, with focus on their polydispersity. resulting in reliability of the result.