Monday. 16 Seplember
and tissue formation. One of thc most widely used biomaterials in bonę tissue enginecring substitutcs is polymer- polylactic acid (PLA) and ceramic -hydroxyapatite (HAP). Tliese two inaterials complement each other. Polymer malerials exhibil biodcgradablc properties but they often lack dcsircd mechanical properties. HAP ceramic on the other hand is biocompatiblc and osteoconductive. but pure the ceramic is brittle. The challenge is to combine those two malerials and exploit the properties of both in order to obtain implants with dcsircd mechanical and biological properties and avoid inflammatoiy rcactions.
Our work aims to develop consolidation technolog}' of composite nanohydroxyapatite (GoHAP, synthcsiscd in our laboratoiy) with PLA The aim of our work is to improve and prepare the related technology and iender it available for application in industry. Our goal is to obtain homogeneous composite with good connectionbetween polymer and nanograin size GoHAP. Tire paper shows mechanical properties of Consolidated composite (GoHAP with PLA polymer). Developed in our Institute, high piessure consolidation technology pennits to obtain materials with mechanical properties close to the natural bonę. The process is carricd out in extremc pressure lGPa and temperaturę under 200°C. Thanks to this. the GoHAP nanopowder stmeture and biological properties are preserved in the composite. The mechanical properties of this nanoceramic were im estigated and the compressive strength reaches a value above 130 MPa.
19:00 Poster CePT5
|CEPT| Studics of solubility of nanoparticlcs and stability of their suspension
Jacek Wojnarowie/.. Sylwia Kuśnieruk. Aleksandra Kędzierska. Elżbieta Pietrzykowska. Agnieszka Opalińska. Tadeusz Chudoba. Iwona E. Malka. Anna Swiderska - Środa. Witold Łojkowski
Polish Academy of Sciences, Insi i lute of High Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS). Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142, Pohnd ' e-mail: jacek.
In the era of nanotechnology in the 2 lst century nanomaterials are in-creasingly used in the daily life of man. Main products of daily use such as cosmetics, detergents. paints. vamishes and electronics have in their composition nanomaterials / nanoparticlcs. Following the fear of uncontrolled penetration and accumulation of nanomaterials in the emiromnent. Laboratory of Nanostmctures for Photonic and Nanomedicine carries out research tlie fate of the stability and solubility of zinc oxide nanoparticles in suspension of natural waters. The results show that nano zinc oxide and. cobalt doped zinc oxide is agglomer-ating after a few ininutes of its insert into the natural water. Nanoparticles of zinc oxide is morę soluble than micro zinc oxide. thc main factor responsible for this situation is the particie size and surface area. There are signifreant differences in the solubility of Zn depending on the type of water.
Siudy of the fate of ZnO nanoparticles in natural waters indicate the ZnO particlcs transform into other ty pes of nanomaterials and inerease the its size by recrystallization.
19:00 Poster CePT6
|CEPT| SolYOthcrmal synthesis and charactcrization of nanomaterials in the Laboratory of Nanostructurcs for Photonics and Nanomedicine, Center of Bio-Nanomatcrials
Sylwia Kuśnieruk, Jacek Woinarowicz. Aleksandra Kędzierska Elżbieta Pietrzykowska. Agnieszka Opalińska. Tadeusz Chudoba. Iwona E. Malka. Jan Mizeracki. Adam M. Presz. Witold Łojkowski
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS). Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142, Poland e-mail: jacek.
Expertise of Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonic and Nanomedicine IWC PAN lies in synthesis and comprehensive research on nanomaterials. Synthesis of nanomaterials requires the use of State of the art. advaneed reactors. For more than 10 years the Laboratory of Nanostructurcs for Photonic and Nanomedicine IWC PAN hasbeen developing solvothermal teclmologies of nanoparticles production. The process is based on the MSS Microwave Soh othennal Synthesis. The prceursors of the reaction (Solutions, suspensions) are endosed in a pressure vessel and as a rcsult of heating with the microwave en-eigy, the temperature inereases above tire boiling point. The MSS process allows to prevent contamination of sy nthesis, by sealing the reaction vessel. which is madę of chemically inert materiał, so an ultra-pute product is obtained. The mixing effect occurs in a microwave reactor. so that the obtained product is homogeneous. MSS technology imiovation is the possibility to contiol the size of crystallile nanoparticles in a narrow distribution of size. Thanks to this technology. we are able to obtain nanoparticles in the rangę from 9 to 100 nm in ultra-short synthesis time. We can obtain power density in liquid rcaching up to 10 W/ml. We specialize in the production of: HAp. ZnO and Zi02 nanopowders.
We have constructed innovative reactors MSS-1 and MSS-2 and our reactors were awarded a gold medal at:
1) MSS-2 Intemational Fair in Poznatt, Innovation Technology Machines Poland. 2011
2) MSS-1 International Exhibition in St. Petersburg in 2009, MMS-2 technical pararneters:
- Maximum working pressure to 10 MPa
- Temperature up to 260°C
- Capacily 470 cm3
- Microwave Heating at 2450 Mhz
- Microwave power up to 3 kW
- Chatnber materiał PTFE and ceramic A1203
Research dircetions of the Laboratory of Nanostructures for Photonic and Nanomedicine IWC PAN are focused on the characteristics of nanomaterials and the possibility of their application in medicine. op-tics, optoelectronics pliartnacy and cosmetics.
The correct characterization of nanometric-matcrials is necessaty in order to determine the properties of materials. Research in these areas requires advanced, sophisticated measuring equipment. With co-frnan-cing from the European project CePT (Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology) laboratory has purcliased dc\ iccs such as:
- particie size distribution and zeta potential analyzer with an automatic titratorMPT-2 model ZetasizerNano-ZS. Mahem
- particie size distribution analyzer model NS500, NanoSight
- ultra high resolution scanning electron microscope. model ULTRA plus, Zeiss with X-ray spectroscopy analyzer model Quantax 400, Bntker
- thennal stability analyzer TGA/DSC model STA 449 El Jupiter. Netzsch coupled with mass spectrometry analyzer model Gas Anality cal