Monday. 16 Seplember

properlies of nanomaterials detennining thcir biological cffccls, major reportcd adverse effects after the exposure to nanomaterials and differ-ent aspects or toxicological risk assessment of these materials.

17:30    Polish Research Projects

MumpUZZLES Project; Modelling propcrtics,toxicity and ein ironmental bchaviour of cnginccred nanopartides

Tomas./ P.uzy:.n. Agnieszka K. Gajewicz

Universityof Gdańsk, Facully of Chemistry, Laboratory of Etwiron-menlal Cliemomelrics (UG), Wiła Stwosza 63, Gdańsk 80-952, Po-

e-mail: puzi@qsar.eu.org

Nanotechnology is rapidly expanding. Ho\vever, some types of engin-eered nanopartides can be toxic for living organisms and exhibit neg-ative impact on the enviioiuncnt. Thus. the design of new nanopartides musi be accompanied by a rigorous risk analysis. Following the recorn-mendations by the EU REACH system and regarding ethical aspects. the risk assessment procedures should be performed with possible re-duction of living animals' use. One of the most promising options is the application of computational tcchniqucs. In addition to the reduetion of animal use, such a solution enables significantly redneing costs of the required risk assessment.

The main objective of the Nan0PUZZLES project is to develop. within three years. a package of computational algoritluns for the comprehens-ive modelling of the relationships between the structure. properties. molecular intcractions and toxicit>' of sclccted classes of engineered nanopartides (NPs). Tlte package (i) will serve as a proof-of-the-concept that the risk related to NPs can be comprehensively assessed with use of computational techniques and (ii) will define a basis for development of further modelling techniques for a large \ ariety of nanopartides.

The project will focus on two groups of compounds: (i) inorganic engineered nanopartides (metal nanooxidcs) and (ii) carbon nanopartides (carbon nanotubes (single-walled and multi-walled), fullerenes and fullerene derivatives). That choice was dictated by the wide application of these nanopartides in cyetyday houschold produets. and by the fact tlial these cotnpounds are comtnercially a\ ailablc in the market wheh climinates the necessity fortheirsynthesis (reduetion of costs). Computational algorithms will be developed within four wotk packages related to the following thematic areas:

•    Quality assessment of physicochemical and toxicological data available for nanomaterials and dala exploration (NanoDATA).

•    Deyelopment of novel descriptors for nanopartides' structure (NanoDESC),

•    Simulating intcractions of nanopartides with biological systems


•    Quantitative and qualitative structiue-activity rdationship modelling. grouping and read across (NanoQSAR).

Application of the methods developed within the four thematic areas will allow for predicting toxicity and the behaviour of novel nano-particlcs from their stmchtre and/or physicochemical properties without the necessity' of performing extensive cmpirical testing. Moreover, it will result in a framework being established to categorise nanopartides according to the potential for exposure. as well as physicochemical. structural and toxicological properties (bascd on available cmpirical data and computationally predicted results). This, in the longcr per-spective. should lead to designing and engmeering nanomaterials that are of Iow risk for human and the emironment.


Monday aftemoon. 16 September. 17:50

NANOFORCE Info Day Poster session

Monday evening. 16 September. 18:00 Posters presented during brcaks

18:00    Poster    NF1

Legał aspects of nanotechnology in cnyironmcntal protcc-


Białystok Universityof Technology, Facully of Management, Kleosin, S. Tarasiuka Street 2, Białystok 16-001, Poland e-mail: ag.baran@wp.pl

Legał problems:

- thcrc is no regulation controlling the release of nanomaterials manu-factured into the cnyironmcnt in European or intcmational environ-ntcntal regulatory laws, European Commission is fmalizing the review assessing the adequacy of EU legislatiye framework for produets of nanotechnologies.

-EU is currently considering how to apply current emironmental regulatory' laws (On 3 October 2012. the Commission adopted the Com-munication on the Second Regulatory' Review on Nanomaterials) -analysis of the current european emironmental law (integrated pollution prevention and control, major-accidents. airquality. soil, water. waste. industrial emissions. emironmental liability). adequate implementation may requirc adaptations to the legislation as well as the dcyclopinent of new procedures.

-Tlie European Commission is responsible for proposing legislation as well as tlte administration and enforcement of enacted legislation. ■'Precautionary principle" forms the basis for all em ironmental direct-ives that are under considcration or have been issued by the EC. -approaches to regulation - whether and how to regulate nanotechnology ? soft law or hard law mechanisms ? - soft law mcchanisms serves to assist in the implementation of existing ltard law.

18:00    Poster    NF2



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