Jean Pierre Majoral
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS, 205 route de Narbonne, 31077, Toulouse Cedex 04 France
The development of dendrimer chemistry is due, without any doubt, to the extraordinary pallet of very unique properties of these monodisperse polymers with applications in numerous fields ranging from biology to materiał Sciences, catalysis, surface modification, electronics, electro-optics, Chemical or biological sensors, coatings, etc.
Further growth in these fields depend crucially of the possibility to modify at will the naturę and the density of functional groups grafted either on the surface or within the Cascade structure of dendrimers, as well as to monitor their solubility in different solvents including water.
This will be illustrated using phosphorous dendrimers for the design of nanomateriels through new applications as for example the design of nanotubes madę of dendrimers and used as sophisticated DNA chips, the elaboration of brilliant organie nanodots soft substitutes to semiconductors Quantum Dots for in vivo imaging, or the selective encapsulation of dye molecules in dendrimer madę- microcapsules by DNA hybridization . Emphasis will be put also on the use of dendrimers for writing in water or as efficient catalysts.
In all cases spectacular effects are observed making these dendrimers tools of choice for the design of reliable, stable and non toxic new materials.
Prasad L. Polavarapu
Department of Organie Chemistry, Yanderbilt University (USA)
Electronic circular dichroism, optical rotatory dispersion, vibrationaI circular dichroism and vibrational Raman optical activity are four components of chiroptical spectrocopy. In the last decade chiroptical spectroscopy has been widely used for determining the absolute configuration and conformations of chiral molecules.1 Until early eighties, the experimental chiroptical data remained in isolation without tools to interpret them. However, remarkable developments in quantum chemcial predictions, along with those in sophisticated instrumentation, have changed this status. Experimentalists can now confidently translate their experimental chiroptical spectroscopic results into detals on three dimensional molecular structure, with the help from quantum Chemical calculationss that can predict chiroptical properties reliably. Chiroptical spectoscopy has now reached a maturę stage for routine applictions in three dimensional structure determination. In this presentation, a review of chiroptical spectroscopic methods and selected examples of their successful applications will be presented.
111 Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy". Vols 1 &2, Eds: N. D. Berova. P. L. Polavarapu. K. Nakanishi, R. W. Woody, John Wiley (2012).