On 12th June 1950 the President of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Prof. K. Ter-zaghi, inquired whether the Swiss National Committee would consider organizing the Third International Conference. After the Swiss National Committee had expressed their agreement, the National Committees were askcd to vote on the matter; in January 1951, the Swiss National Committee was appointed organizer of the Third Conference. The Conference was to be held in August 1952, but sińce this datę coincided with the celebration of the lOOth anniversary of the American Society of Civil Engineers, it was decided to postponc it to August 1953. The Swiss Organizing Committee was set up on 28th February 1951. Prof. E. Meyer-Peter accepted the chairman-ship and Dr. A. von Moos was appointed General Sccretary. The Laboratory for Hydraulic Research and Soil Mechanics of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology placed rooms at the disposal of the Organizing Committee. In 1953 two morę Local Committees, for Zurich and Lausanne, were created (sec Pro-ceedings 1953, vol. III, p. 5).
Le 12 juin 1950 le Professeur K. Terzaghi, en sa ąualite de president de la Societe Internationale de Mecaniąue des Sols et des Travaux de Fondations, s’informa si le Comite National Suisse serait dispose a assumer 1’organisation du Troisieme Congres de la Societe. Le Comite Suisse ayant accepte cette tache et un vote parmi les differents Comites Nationaux ayant ete favorable a cette proposition, 1’organisation du Congres fut officiellement confiee a la Suisse. La datę du Troisieme Congres, qui avait d’abord ete fixee a aofit 1952, fut remise d’une annee afin d’eviter que cette manifestation ne coincidat avec le centenaire de TAssociation Americaine des Ingćnieurs Civils. Le Comite Suisse d’organisation futeonstitue le 28 fevrier 1951; le Professeur E. Meyer-Peter en accepta la presidence et le Dr A. von Moos fut nomme seeretaire generał. Les Laboratoircs dc Recherches Hydrauliques et de Mecanique des Terres an-nexes a 1’Ecole Polytechnique Federale mirent des bureaux a la disposition du Comite et, en 1953, les deux Comites Locaux de Zurich et de Lausanne furent crees (voir Comptes Rendus 1953, vol. III, p. 5).
Fig. 1 Some Statistical Data of the Con ference
Donnćes statistiqucs sur le Congris