1. History and Organization of the Conference
The Executive Committee during its meeting at the time of the Moscow Conference voted for Japan as the site for the next International Conference. At the same time the Conference Advisory Committee for the Ninth Conference was appointed. The Conference Advisory Committee consisted of six members: President
of the International Society (Professor J. Kerisel; Chairman), Vice-President for Asia (Dr. Z-C Moh), Secretary General of the Organizing Committee for the Moscow Conference (Dr. N.S. Chetyrkin), Secretary General of the International Society (Professor J.K.T.L. Nash) and two representatives from Japan.
The Japanese National Committee appointed the Preparatory Committee for the Ninth International Conference in August 1973, under the chairmanship of Professor M. Fukuoka. This Committee worked out an outline of the Conference and chose Tokyo as the location of the Conference. Results of this Committee’s work were explained at the first meeting of the Conference Advisory Committee in Stockholm in June 1974. At this meeting, themes of the Main and Specialty Sessions and also names of key role persons such as General Reporters and Chairmen were almost decided.
The Organizing Committee for the Tokyo Conference was appointed by the Japanese National Committee in November 1974, under the chairmanship of Mr. G. Togashi and Professor M. Fukuoka as the Secretary General. The Organizing Committee set up the Task Committee for detailed planning for the Conference with Professor M. Fukuoka as the Chairman. The Task Committee carried out variety of works with a number of sub-committees under the guidance of the "Report of Conference Procedures Committee", which was published in February 1971 by the Conference Procedures Committee of the International Society.
The second meeting of the Conference Advisory Committee was held in Istanbul in April 1975. At this meeting detailed programs of the Conference were discussed based on the draft of Bulletin No. 1. The Executive Committee of the International Society also met in Istanbul at the same time. At this meeting, a motion which might cancel the Tokyo Conference was adopted. This was due to the fact that the 1. Historique et Organ isati on du Congr&s
Le Comit£ Ex£cutif au cours de sa rdunion lors du Congres de Moscou a ddcide par un vote de choisir le Japon comme lieu du pro-chain Congrds International. En mSme temps, le Comitś Consultatif pour le neuvidme Con-gr£s etait nommd. Le Comite Consultatif du CongrSs comporte six personnes: le Prśsident de la Socidtd Internationale (Professeur J. Kerisel, President), le Vice-President pour 1’Asie (Dr. Z-C Moh), le Secrśtaire General du Comite d’Organisation du Congrds de Moscou (Dr. N.S. Chetyrkin), le Secrśtaire Gśnśral de la Socidtś Internationale (Professeur J.K. T.L. Nash) et deux reprśsentants du Japon.
Le Comitś National Japonais a nommd le Comitd Preparatoire pour le neuvi£me Congrds International, en aoGt 1973, sous la prdsidence du Professeur M. Fukuoka. Ce comit# a preparś une śbauche du Congres et choisi Tokyo comme lieu du Congrds. Les rdsultats du travail de ce comit§ ont §tś presentes 3 la premiere rćunion du Comitd Consultatif du Congres a Stockholm en juin 1974. A cette reunion les thdmes des Sessions Principales et de/s Sessions Spściales ainsi que les noms des personnes ayant un rSle essentiel comme les Rapporteurs Genśraux et les Presidents ont ete presąue tous dćcidśs.
Le Comitd d’Organisation du Congrds de Tokyo a nommś par le Comit£ National Japonais
en novembre 1974, avec comme Prdsident M. G. Togashi et comme Secretaire Gśneral, le Professeur M. Fukuoka. Le Comitś d’Organisation a mis en place un Comitś des Taches, prśsidd par le Professeur Fukuoka, pour 1'organisation dśtaillde du Congres.
Ce comite a menć a bien ses diffśrentes t&ches avec 1’aide de nombreux sous-comit£s et en suivant les instructions du "Rapport du Comite des Procddures du Congrds", publid en f£vrier 1971 par le Comitd des Procedures du Congres de la Sociśt# Internationale.
La seconde rśunion du Comite Consultatif du Congrds s’est tenue 3 Istambuł en avril 1975.
A cette rśunion les programmes detaillds du Congrds ont dtd discutds sur la base du projet du bulletin n° 1. Le Comitś Ex£cutif de la Socidtś Internationale se tenait śgalement ś Istambuł 3 la m£me datę. A cette rdunion,