Monday. 16 Seplember

Novcl nanomaterials and new nanotechnology applications are comerstones of innovalive high value-addcd products in several indus-trial fields. Froin a lechnological point a view, tliere is a strong detnand for tcchniques to fabricate and measure the properties of these nano-matcrials and related devices. In parallel. at a morę fundamental level. a higher comprchcnsion of the matcrials physical properties at the nanoscale level is needed.

Properties of these novel materials depend on a myriad of parameters. As an example optical properties will depend on such as featnre size. shape. surface characteristics. interaction with the surrounding envir-onment. etc. Characterization of nanomatenals employs expensive high-techequipinent combined with multidisciphiuirv teams of experts that cannot usually be accontmodated in a Smali to Medium-sized Enterprise budget.

Tltis talk will address the advantages for the industiy, mainly SMEs to partnersliip with established academic laboiatorics in oider to have access to top research capabilities with state-of-the-art instmmentation and multidisciplinary specialists to help developing or improving their products. so that an essential value added step is incorporated. at af-fordable costs.

Representative materiał cliaracterization techniques will be presen-ted alongside with seveial successful cxamplcs of collaborations between our research group and several companies.


Monday aftemoon, 16 September. 15:40

NANO-FORCE info day: nano-regulations, law, tox-


Monday afiemoon. 16 September. 16:10

Chair: Joanna Sobczyk

16:30    Orał

Legał aspcct.s of nanotechnology

Mąręiii R, Jpięwięz

Politechnika Białostocka, Białystok 15-351, Poland e-mail: marcin.jurewicz@wp.pl

Nanotechnology regulations should guarantee the public an opportunity to obtain the benefits of nanotechnology' applications with a high dcgtec of compliance with safety, health and emironmental protection. The provisions of the European Union law in relation to nanomatenals are arranged according to: products. Chemicals, protection of workers and em ironmental protection. The legislation diiectly refcrrcd to nanotechnology was introduced for cosmetics. biocides and food so far. In other areas where nanomatenals are profited the provisions for their equivalent macro are used.

A duty to extensive data transmission by companies placing nanoma-terials on the market in the evaluation proceduro, entering the Com-munity lists of authorized substances. granling pcrmits allows author-ities to verify the properties of nanomatenals. cnltancing their safety and gradually reducing the gaps in scientific knowledge. Furthennore. having such detailed information helps companies to commercial use of nanomatenals. A duty1 to place components in the fonn of nanoma-tcrials on the packaging of the product in the list of ingrodients and followed thein by the word 'nano' serves to strenglhen the position of consumers on the market. giving tliein the possibility of a conscious, deliberate deciding on the purchase of the product.

16:50    Imited orał

Potcntial esposure to nano-objeets in the work cnvironmcnt

Elżbieta J. Jankowska

Central institute for łabour protection nationał research institute

(CIOP-P1B), Czerniakowska 16, IParszatra 00-701, Poland e-mail: eljan@ciop.pl

Knowledge about the risks arising front exposuro to nano-objects is still limited. mainly due to the smali number of studies carried out in real exposure of workers to nano-objects and the lack of uniform rules to interpret the oblained rosults in order to assess exposure |Bromver D and et al. Hannonizalion of measurement strategies for exposure to manufactured nano-objects: Report of a Workshop. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 2012;56(l):l-9, DOI 10.1093/annhyg/met099]. German inslihitcs [Ttered approach to an exposure measurement and assessment of nanoscale aerosols released front engineered nanomaterials in work-place operations (2011). https://wYvw.vci.de/Downloads/Nanomateri-als%20in%20Workplace%200perations.pdf.) proposed a three-tiered approach to estimate the potential exposure to nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates. namely: Tier 1 - collecting information about YYorkplace conditions for ntling out (comenlional risk assessment) or confirming (go to the Tter 2) possibility of prcsence of nanoaerosol in the YYorkplace air. Tier 2 - performing of measurements with easy to used device. and if total number concentration extending reference value for imestigated nanoaerosol or is considerably higher compeerto "no activity", measurements should be takenfordetermin-ation potential exposure to nanoaerosol according to Tter 3, if not risk assessment should be carried out on Ute basis of data received. Tter 3 - potential exposure to nanoaerosol inust be conducted with use of netv knoYY ledge and of mcasuring devices. as condensation particie counter (CPC). scanning mobility particie sizer spectrotneters (SMPS) and nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM). Simultaneously samples of nanoaerosol should be taking for their further analysis with TEM-EDS or SEM-EDS. The aim of the perfortned studies was to imestigate of potcntial exposure to nano-objects during processes of production and Itandling of different kind of nanomaterials. Measurements were done with devices for real-time measurements of concentrations and size distributions of particles with SMPS. condensation particles counter (P-Trak)) nanoparticle aerosol monitor (Aero-Trak) and electrical 1oyv pressure impactor (ELP1+). For confirmation of presence of nano-objcct in the woik emironment air samples Yvere taking with nanometer aerosol sampler (NAS) for futurę analysis withelectron microscope (TEM or SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). For most imestigated processes it was conftrmed that nano-objects were released to the woik emironment.

17:10    Im ited orał

Toxicity testing of nanomaterials

Maciej M. Stepnik

Institute of Occupational Medicine. Teresy 8, Łódź 90-950, Poland e-mail: mstep@imp.lodz.pl

Over recent dccadcs. nanomaterials are increasingly produced as the result of the rapid development in nanotechnology. They are currendy used in many industries as Yvell as in medicine and pharmacology. As the result, an inereasing concem lias been raised over tlteir potential impacts to human health. Efforts in standardizing methods to study the in vitro and in vivo safety of Utese materials are currendy under-taken by Yarious gOY crmncnl agcncies and research organizadons. In this lecture the following issues are discusscd: physico-chemical



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