Applications are invited for post doctoral fellowships and research associateships in the Physics Department. Areas of research include theoretical physics, solid State physics. nuclear physics. quantum optics. mass spectrometry, Chemical physics and astrophysics. Experimental research at McMaster features a tandem accelerator. a swimming-pool reactor and the Institute of Materials Research.
Applications, including curriculum vitae and the names of three referees should be sent
Dr. M. F. Collins
Chairman, Department of Physics McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario L8S4M1
Positions are available starting in April 1979 (or later) for basie and applied research in electrooptics and the interaction of laser radiation with matter. Under pres-ent investigation are nonłinear optics at surfaces. sur* face plasmon and polariton interactions. Brillouin seat-tering at surfaces. ring lasers and integrated optics. Successful candidates will be encouraged both to par-ticipate in existing programs and to initiate new research directions Stipends rangę from $12.000-$1 5.000 per annum. depending on experience and in-volve a modest amount of teaching The positions are initially for one year. with subsequent renewals sub-ject to mutual consent. Candidates with experimental experience in the above areas and outstanding appli-cants from other experimental fields of physics are encouraged to apply. Please send a curriculum vitae and request that letters of reference be forwarded from three referees to:
Prof. G. I. Stegeman.
Dept. of Physics.
University of Toronto,
Toronto. Canada MBS 1A7.
Experimental High Energy
Applications are invited for the position of Director of the programme in Engmeering Physics within the Department of Physics. Faculty of Arts and Science. Candidates should have a doctoral degree m Engineer-ing Physics or closely allied field, be eligible for registration as a Professional engineer and have suitable industrial experience and inventive ability. Teaching involves both undergraduate and graduate students Appointment at the associate or fuli profes-sor level. with salary according to qualifications and experience. commencmg 1 July or 1 September. 1979. Canadian citizens and landed immigrants are particularly urged to apply. Enquiries or applications should be sent as soon as possible to
The Dean,
Faculty of Arts and Science.
Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada B3H 3J6.
The National Research Council of Canada s Division of Physics is located in Ottawa. Canada The High Energy Physics Laboratory requires an experienced and dynamie ex-perimental High Energy Physicist with proven leadership ability to work with a team of eight experimentalists. three theorists and several Research Associates The group in-cludes staff of Carleton Umversity (also in Ottawa) which has a sophisticated high energy mstrumentation capability
Studies are currently bemg carried out in meson spectroscopy at high energy accelerators. and meson physics at mtermediate energy facilities. The successful ap-plicant will be responsible for mitiating and carrymg out ad-vanced research at modern accelerators such as SLAC and FERMILAB
Salary is commenaurate with experience and will be up to $39.000 per annum
Apply in writing giving complete details of education and experience to
The Employment Officer,
National Research Council of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada K1A 0R6.
In reply please quote P-77-1087. Please reply by 9 January 1979.