Research Fellowships and Part-Time Teaching Appointments
Applications are invited for positions n the following areas
NUCLEAR PHYSICS Theoretical. Pure and Applied
SOLID STATE PHYSICS Positrons Transport Studies Low Temperatures Insulators
Extra-galactic Radio Astronomy Relativistic Astrophys/cs Stellar Structure and Evolution
Two of these positions could involve teaching duties
Please apply. enclosing a curriculum vitae and the names of three references to:
Dr. M. Sayer, Head,
Department of Physics.
Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Applications are invited for post-doctora! research fellowships m physics
Fellowship stipends rangę between $ 1t. 100 and $ 12.900 and will depend on the teaching duties The awards are tenable for the penod of one year with a possible renewal for a second year
Research areas include
Atomie and Molecular Physics. Biophysics. Brillouin Spectroscopy. Crystallography. Electron Microscopy. Electron tunnelmg. Ellip-sometry. Experimental superconductivity. Diffraction Physics. Far infrared spectroscopy. Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. De Haas-van Alphen efiect. Laser Physics. Lattice dynamics. Magnetocon-ductiyity of metals. Microwave ColliSion-Induced Absorption and Interferometry Nudear magnetic resonance. Semiconductors and amorphous semiconductors. Transport properties of gases and in-termolecular potentials. Theoretical studies. magnetic impunties m superconductors. relativrstic effects in metals. elactromc structure m metals. nonlmear bahaviour of elastic dialactncs. lattica dynamics of lomc crystals
The applicants should submit their resumes and the names of three referees to
Dr. C. C. Um Department of Phyaica University of Waterloo Waterloo. Ontario. Canada N2L 301
Applications are invited for a research as-sociate in the area of plasma/combustion studies. Requirements: Ph D in Combustion or Plasma Diagnostics. Position to com-mence April 1 979.
Le Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire recherche des candidats a des postes de stagiaires post-doctorat. Contrats d'un an renouveiables. Salaires negociables. Pour travailler dans la physique des basses energies ou des energies intermediaires.
Applications, including curriculum vitae and the names of three referees should be sent to:
Dr. P. R. Smy,
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta,
T6G 2E1.
Envoyer curriculum vitae. listę de publica tions et deux lettres de reference a:
Prof. Pierre DEPOMMIER Directeur
Laboratoire de Physique Nuclóaire Universitó de Montróal Case Postało 6128
Montróal, Quóbec, Canada H3C 3J7