( 1*7
The Preoldtut of Poluad
i. lirya .aton Court,Ooorge Łtr#>v,l X Tban&'you alnaorely tr .Protldent fur tho BOutiiaeafca whloh you :iBve t)Xf,reaand throu&h .o to .firda t;.e ;?.rltluh poople; In tho immo of Poland on ho flfth uu iłver*ary Of youi* oorely trled country by our cu on foe . fcel , confident tLat thc tina la jiow rnpldly t-.n; roaohlng .ihen trio aufferlng8 oi* th« yaHuat and ate&dfant Poilch poopie ot thc haads of ti.o brutal Garuanna who hova «h ,m tho.-«olvei- oner, K-a of froedor. ■ ud nu: ani ty will be rew^Fdeć m by tlio knowi ćUe thct they );&vo not been ln veln and Uy prlde ln tho vlotory of fche United Nut łona to war do whlch they i.-ve iookod ao lon<. and toward whlch thay ure Wiking £ o notobla a contrtbutton.
Goorf;c b I.