treat^ent oi tbe a* wab ero 01 the Po li ab Girllian Authority abo aro now working underground on babali oi* tbo Po U eh Goaern-aent and In tlie ilrat lnotanoe oi tuoae who aould ooae ior-ward to aeet tba lnoo^in^, uoTlet troops.
2he ?oli ab GoTornoent ln tnklifc. i ta deoiaion rcokdled in tbo openlng ParaGraph oi tbe present nota, wao a* ar o oi tbe dnager to whioh tbe nembora or tbe Po li ab Underground Orga-nlsation and tbe unita oi tbe Sooret Araf will ba expoaed at Mu ;*anrte or tbe lnoonlng rad Aray when oarrjring out their lnetruotlona*
Zt hae raoantly rocently recaived oorroboratad cri-denoe rogałMin,. tbe naturo or inatrućtlone ieauad to tbe cos* auniat organlaatlone •P.r.K." /Tbe Po li ab i orker#a ite ty/ and to the co..: andora oi Vbe Coamuoiat "People a Uuarda** and ropo rta on tbe aotiTitiaa or theaa bodioa ln a largo nuaber oi di«trieta in dliieront parta oi 'oland* Ibeoe actiTltloa oon-aiat i.u. la diecororlng tho ldentlty oi tha largoat poaaible nuaber oi soabara oi tbe Underground wOTe-ient £ ooae oi whoa arc aald to horo boon belrayod to tbo Gestapo/, ln attaoking ind 1 ri iual leadera and wkoło de ta oli non to oi tne tteoret Aray, ln killing their oiiiolara and aelslag thoir arna* A trana-latlon oi tbe arldonoa racelrad by tna 'oliah Gowernaent la attachod.
Xt la ln Tlaa oi tbe oonaaąuenoaa ablob tbreaten to iollow on a courae or aetlon reilectiiig tbo aaziet? oi "'olaad to deaonstrate to tbo id 11 hor goodwill, tbat I nok you# konał eur lo charg<$ d*Aifaireaf to tranami t to Sashlogton tba praa&lng appoal oi tbo Pollsh Goreranent, tbat tba United States uoTornraont ahould ezcrt Ito lniluonoa aitb tba toalet Oo-Tarnaent to prowent poaaible soTlat ropraaolona and aiiord pro-teotlon to peraoaa pnrtioularly azpoati owlng to tbo eotooutlon oi tbo duties allotted to tbea*
'ibe Po 11 ab GoTernacnt ba a already npproaobad tba Brl-