Is there an underground cave city called Agharti ruled by a Venusian who holds our futurę hopes?
A IX through the world today are thousands of people who claim -*■ to havc knowledge of an underground city. not specifically located although generally assumed to be in Tibet. called Agharti, or Shambala. In this city, they say, is a highly develo|X‘d cmłization ruled by an “EUler" or a “Great One” whose lilie is among othcrs “The King of the World ” Sonie claim to havc seen hini. and it is also daimed that he madę at least one visit to the surface. It is also claimed that when Mankind is ready for the benefits he can bring. he will emerge and establish a new civilization of peace and plenty.
To quote the words of a “witness”: “He came here ages ago from the planet Venus to be the instructor and guide of our then just dawning h u m a n i t y. Though he is thousands of years old. his appearance is that of an exceptional-ly well-developed and handsomc youth of about sixteen. Hut there is nolhing juvenile about the light of infinite love. wisdom and power that shines from his eyes. He is slightly larger than the aver age man, but there are no radical dif-ferences in race.”
Apparently the rulcr of Agharti is a man; apparently he possesses great power and science, including atomie energy machines. Apparently also he is dedicated to bring to us great benefits Apparently he has power to end war-fare on the surface at will. We. the people of Earth. ask: What man can judge another? Wars must end now! Judge not, Great One, lest you be judged. For we ARE ready for peace!