I tako the opportunity oi the return to his post of Awbaseador
<Ćo L*-A 2 O ł~L+\
<2Aj )
to you my views
,to appeal to you
at time.so critioal for Polano. and lor the peace o! the world.
—r ILufb f> tr^Ł-rrJb$t£~0 __
•i—danimy/irst o-l ał^/The rule oi' truth in the world,for only
trutli can
the futurę ol Interna
tional relations and the
a**. ■nźv9'>v&«
at the Kazi totalitarian/ł^wanl its drive
lor v;orld mastery shall "be destroyed. But will not Po land, and w
Llurope.,be overwhelmed a^ainst
their will by a wrxe::ai newtotali tarian;wave of
(w, Y , .
id the nations condemned to the rule of this now totali^AA/< OJ^UUL t7 accept its tyranny ?
far a8 Polani is ^ l^i^in tnnt. ił. flfiyp.T*
_J_t -wlunlinrl Ig, ^ ■
The maas^of Poliahpf>aaanfe3,an3cious to build their prosperity not in collectiye farms.but in individual farasteads.will neyer
in^s of the workins class/nre best reflected
f {£*ĄYyJ> ^ HĆLotMj ^
in the^letteib/to Ur.Attlee,the British deputy Prime Minister,
with the urgency of deeptoratioa.
Ali the classes of the Polish nation want to build a better
iuture for the country anu. ita citizens on a basis of. privateKi-*iXia»-
t-tye, supplemented by dtate economic planning and eoonomic,aocial and
political sell-eovernment.The views of the population of Polani are
Ird by TKfL ^
expressed in the encloseJ~m^nBage8/from Polani,dated January ó-th, January 15-th and February 15-th 1944.
yr^U il
The present war has proved that frheye-ara localised
hnf. l.hgrt. ■ i—1111 i 1 1 ftin mrm»i nM y. 1',^. ^6 deVelOp-
ment of the technical means of total war makes it impossible ±-e* even
the strpngest power to win a world war single-handed.i-fr-i j tu bo
•nec-te-A th Aul) nat i onal i sms
. -TST^tTTTCy-
while political and economic collaboration
will ba rfiiluca
may b^, closer than before ^
oi fUtL. . -