to review the papers submitted to the Confer-ence. With assistance of three Co-Reporters from different parts of the world, the General Reporters endeavour to produce a State-of-the-Art Report on the generał theme of the Session. In addition, it was agreed at the first meeting that a Chairman would preside at the Session. Based on the paper submitted, the General Reporter would select three Penelists to open the discussions.
Names of the key role persons were also sug-gested at the Stockholm meeting of the Con-ference Advisory Committee, and the Organiz-ing Committee was authorized to approach the key role persons. In July 1974 letters of inquiries were sent out to the Chairmen, General Reporters and Co-Reporters as to whe-ther they were prepared to accept the suggest-ed assignments. In the letter of December 1974, the Organizing Committee proposed ten-tative guidelines concerning the work sharing plan which the General Reporters might ob-serve with the Co-Reporters in preparing the State-of-the-Art Report.
Names of the Panelists were suggested at the time of the second meeting of the Conference Advisory Committee in Istanbul in April 1975. Finał appointment of the Panelists was madę after confirming that they would be attending the Conference. Because of this, some of Panelists were nominated only few weeks before the Conference.
In the letter of December 1975, the Organizing Committee suggested a tentative plan for the conduct of the Main Sessions with particular emphasis on the respective role of the Chairman, General Reporter, Co-Reporter and Panelists. A novel feature of the suggested plan was the role of the Chairman in conducting floor discussions. In response to the criti-cism voiced after the 7th International Conference in Mexico, the Conference Procedures Committee was set up to evaluate the 7th Conference and make proposals for the guidelines for the 8th Conference. According to the Com-mittee’s report, it was becoming increasingly obvious that the size of the audience now attending main sessions was too large to per-mit real audience participation. In view of this, it was suggested that the Chairman be authorized to nominate suitable discussers during floor discussion based on the written discussions submitted to him until the inter-mission just before the floor discussion time.
There were a good deal of correspondence bet-ween the key role persons and the Organizing Committee prior to the Conference to make necessary arrangements for the publication of the State-of-the-Art Report and also for the conduct of the Main Sessions. The Chairman, General Reporter, Co-Reporter and Panelists of each Main Session met in the preceding day to lay out the necessary finał details.
There were four Main Sessions. One session took place each day from Tuesday to Friday.
7. Sessions Principales
Le cadre des Sessions Principales a dtd dis-cutd lors de la premidre rdunion du Comitś Consultatif du Congrds d Stockholm en juin 1974. II fut convenu pour les Sessions Principales de nommer des Rapporteurs Gdndraux qui passeraient en revue les Communications soumises A 1'occasion. du Congres. Avec 1'aide de trois Co-Rapporteurs de diffdrentes parties du monde, le Rapporteur General s'efforcerait d'dtablir un rapport sur 1’Etat des Connais-sances sur le theme gdndral de la Session. De plus, un Prdsident de Session serait nomme.
Sur la base des Communications soumises, le Rapporteur Gdndral choisirait trois membres du Panel pour ouvrir la discussion.
Les noms des personnes ayant un róle essentiel ont etd śgalement proposes a la reunion de Stockholm du Comitd Consultatif du Congrds, et le Comitd d'Organisation fut autorisd a prendre les contacts ndcessaires. En juillet 1974, des lettres furent envoydes aux Prdsi-dents, Rapporteurs Gdndraux, et Co-Rapporteurs, pour leur demander s'ils dtaient prdts d accepter les fonctions proposdes. Par let-tre de ddcembre 1974, le Comitd d'Organisation a proposd des recommandations, concernant le plan de rdpartition des taches, que les Rapporteurs Gdndraux devraient observer avec les Co-Rapporteurs dans la prdparation du rapport ddtaillde sur 1'Etat des Connaissances.
Les noms des membres du Panel furent proposds lors de la seconde rdunion du Comite Consultatif du Congrds d Istambuł en avril 1975.
Leur designation finale a etd faite aprds confirmation de leur participation au Congrds. De ce fait, certains membres du Panel ont dtd nommds ulterieurement, quelques semaines avant le Congres.
Par lettre de ddcembre 1975, le Comitd d'Orga-nisation a propose un plan pour la conduite des Sessions Principales avec une mention particulidre sur les rdles respectifs du Prdsident, du Rapporteur Gdndral, des Co-Rapporteurs et des autres membres du Panel.
Le point nouveau du plan proposd dtait le role du Prdsident dans la conduite des discussions d partir de la salle. En rdponse aux critiques faites aprds le 7dme Congrds International de Mexico, le Comitd des Procddures du Congres fut instaure pour faire le point du 7dme Congrds, et faire des recommandations pour le 8eme Congrds. Selon le rapport de ce Comite, il devenait de plus en plus dvident que la taille de 1'audience qui assiste aux Sessions Principales est trop grandę pour permettre une rdelle participation du public. En consdquence, il fut suggdrd que le Prdsi-dent soit autorisd d nommer les orateurs approprids pour participer a la discussion d partir de la salle, sur la base des discussions dcrites, soumises au Prdsident avant 1'interruption de sdance prdcddant la pdriode des discussions.
II y eut avant le Congrds une nombreuse cor-