

art - sztuka to elidt - uzyskać to proYidc sb with Information - udzidić komuś informacji to choase a treatment -wybrać zabieg convincing - przekonywający persuasire - przekonywamy insistent - nalegający tmposing - narzucający to harc an impmsion - mieć wrażenie

it U good va!uc for money

-    to jest warte swojej ceny skin-rtlatcd - związany ze tkóiq

duration - czai trwania smrity - ru: nasilenie to be auotiated with sili

-    być zwiętanym z czymi ezposurc to łth •• ekspozycja/ /wystawienie na coś pregnant - w cięty

to lakę contraceptim - brać środki antykoncepcyjne habit - nawyk rcaction to Uh - reakcja na coś

dusi - kau tcndency - tendencja to detclop cold Kira -dostać optyszczki cautioui about sth -ostroiny jeśli chodzi o coś to order treatment - zlecić zabieg/leczeniewhen a need arises - kiedy pojawi się potrzeba arailable to sb/sth -dostępny dk kogoi/do czegoś inv«tigation - badanie to prescribe - przepisać intfuding - w tym ointment - nuk knoirlcdgc - wiedza to attend sth - uczęszczać na coś, uczestniczyć w cxyn\! trainlng - szkolenie


the dient fccls in generał, whedicr she is pregnant, takes comraccptives or any other medicatkm. If the Client is a tecnage girl, she nuty ask her about the regularny of het periods. It may also be help ful to know a lit-dc about the dient‘s lifestyle, work conditions or habits such as dgarette smoking or coffce drinking. Tłtere are a lot of litde things to know, likc, fot instance, the teaedon of the cbem’s skin to cold arr, dust, a possiblc tcndency to devdop cold sores.

Sandta is cautious about ordenng the nght treatment. Sometimes, when a need arises, she prefers to refer the dient to a derinatologist fitst. The Tip-Top Beauty Studio cmploys a dermatologtst. He is ahrays avaiJablc to ebents and beauty thcrapśsts who need his consultauon. The dermatologtst examines the ebents skin. He may order some spccial investigarions and/oc presenbe dte dient vitamins or other mcdtcatx>n, tnduding ointments to cbminate the source of dte problem and to en-hance the effects of the beauty treatment.

Sandra has been a beauty therapist for 10 yeats now. She has teccived hundteds of ebents and has done hundteds of facials. She is eipen-enced. She bkes her job and ebents appreciatc her work. She has been leanting and intprovtng her knowłedge and skills all the ume. She has attended a lot of seminars, traintngs, demonstraoons and prcsentaaons. She has obtaincd a lot of diplomas.

For 5 yean now Sandra has been the owner of the Tip-Top Beauty Studia She has madę a lot of improvements to the Studio. She has add-ed a lot of new treatments to its offer. She has employed ncw Staff. She has boughi modern ecjutpment. She has also estabbshcd conracts with well-known cosmctics companies. The Studio has been coopcrating with them on a rcguŁzr basis for years. Sandra and her Staff have been using their cosmcncs and recommending them to their ebents for yesus, too. The Studio has signed comracts with a few cosmctics companies. So, they can buy and sell their cosmeocs at competttive prices in eschange for adwosing and promodng the products amoiig customers.

The Tip-Top Beauty Studio has built its reputanon on the high qual-ity of its services and a wide variety of treatments offered. Sandra be-bcvcs in the hobsoc approach to the cbenL In her optnion, it is the only professiortal approach acceptable. Her Beauty Studio guarantees good, professional care and cffective treatment. That ts why it is so popular with dients.

dindamycin O aipha hydroxyaads □ fragrances O hydrocjuinone sulphur O camo mile □ addruve$ □ salkylicacid □

Here is a questionnaire developed and used by a beauty salon. Fili it in.

1. Art you or have you been under medkal carc lately?

, Yes    D    No    O

If yes, why..................

Z Are you on siny medication?

Ycs    O    No    □

If ycs, why?...................

3.    Are you pregnant, trying to bccomc pregnant, or brcast feeding?

Yes    O    No    □

4.    Are you on the pili?

Yes    O    No    O

5.    Aic you on any hormonal treatment?

Yes    □    No    □

If so, fot what condióon?..................

6.    Have you cver consultcd a detmatologist?

Yes    □    No    O

7.    Have you undergonc any sutgery over the |>ast 8 months?

Yes    O    No    O

8.    Have you ever had any of the following hcalth. problems?

cancer O    heart problem O    hormonal imbalance O

diabetes □    thyroid problem O    varicose veins □

epilepsy O

hystcrectomy o

9.    Are you allergic to any of the following? If others, namc them.

aspinntalc □ retin-A a

beta hydrosyacids O aioe □ iodine □ honey □ pteservatives □ sunseteens □

10.    Art you susceptible to cold sores?

Yes o    No O

How often?..................

11.    Art you on a diet?

-Yes □


No □


-    uzyskać dypłom to add - dodawać cquipmcnt - wyposażenie, urządzenia

to sign - podpisać to sell (sold, rold) -sprzedawać

at a competitWc priee - po konkurencyjnej cenie in rnhange for sth - w zamian zacni

to adrertlse - reklamować to promole - promować to build reputation on sth -formułować opinię na podstawie czegóż wide variety - duży wybór mcdical care - opieka medyczna lately - ostatnio to be on mcdicatlon

-    przyjmować Md breast feeding - karmienie piersi,

to be on the pili -przyjmować doustne irodki antykoncepcyjne to undergo a surgery -przejić operację cancer - rak hcarf - serce

hormonal imbaUnce - brak równowagi hormonalnej diabetes - cukrzyca thyroid - tarczyca raricose reins - żylaki hystcrectomy - histerektomia (wycięcie macicy) hydroqoinon - hydrochinon susceptible to sth - podatny na coś

cold sores - opryszcika warg setutliYt - wrażliwy complexk>n - cen to scar - odnosi obcaienfci skóry

finc - drobny


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