fiuy dr luks-napoje
to deprive sb of sth
- porbawid kogoi aegoi to hare sth in stock for sb
- szykować coi dla kopa to aajgcrate - pnmduć hot dishcs - fu ostre potrawy spicy food » hot stuff
- pikanie, ostre jedzenie jro«Vł better... - Icptcj,
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C: Oh, no! You can’t expect mc to gtvc up all my favoutite snado, do you? Besidcs, whal eUe couki I havc whik at school?
B: Don’c you think an applc, a pcar or a banana could do instcad? Thcy are sweet, juky and good for you.
O 1 could argue with tłus opiniom Anything elsc 1 should sacńfice fot the sake of my skin?
B: Who is speaking of sacrifices? Just, don’t stuff yourself with junk food and no cokc or otlier fazy dnnks, plcasc Instcad, you should-drink some 3 litra of minerał or spring water.
C You want to dcprive me of all my favountcs! I can only wonder what other "don'ts” you have in stock for me.
B: Don’t exaggeratc, please! Tm not asking you to do the impossiblc. By the way, do you likc hot dishes? And what about fresh vegctables and fruit in your diet?
C: I likc spicy food and I eat a lot of frah fruit aod vcgctables. Is it good or bad?
B: You’d better givc up cating hot stuff for a fcw wecks or so just to see if it is not the source of your problem*.
C And what about fruit and vegctables? Are thcy also bad for me?
B: Na You can eat them but, preferabły, thosc from ecological planta-tions.
■ •
Talk about the tccnagc clicnt and her diet
Imagine you are a beauty therapist Talk about the ptoper diet for a teen-ager with problem skin, what should the diet include and cxdude.
Act out the diaJogue.
A buntj tbtrapist (B) ani btr dmt (Q
C: Early spnng is always a difficult orne for mc I feel dcpleted of cncr-gy and I think I also kx>k it I do tiy to indudc fruit and vegcubles in my diet but I’m not quitc convinced these greenhouse vegetables areany good.
B: Most of us feel this way in spnng. That’s why we should gjvc our otganism a vitarnin boost.
O I've been thinking about it.
B: Thcre are so many vuamin and minerał supplcments now avaxlablc over the counter. Any of them couJd do
C: Shoułdnt Lukę any specific viumins or minerale?
B: I don‘t think so If you don’t have any probtems witli your hcalth, a ublet a day taken rcgularly for tluee, four wecks could do the trick.
C: You might be nght. When it gets warmer and tliere is morę sun-shinc, my cnctgy sort of coines back.
B: Your skin will aJso benefit from such an injccnon of viumms and rnioenk
C How about somc viumin inask or vitarnin cream? There must bc something that could help my skin esternally.
B: As a rule, our skin is dry at this ume of the year duc to Iow tempera-tures, wind, air conditioning, and the likc
C I feel irt too dry. At times it is evcn sort of itchy.
B: The facial you re getnng today will certainly easc this unpleasant sensabon but I would also advise you to buy a rcdnol-conuining cream. Rctinol nourishes the skin, has a regenerating and rejuvenat-ing effcct
C- Just tell me which tetinoi cream to buy. Thcre are a lot of them.
B: I will, don't worry. l'm also going to rccommend to you a special viutnin-rich serum. It co mes ui capsulcs. You open a capsule, spread its contents ovcr your deanscd face and lcave it there to soak in.
B: Shall 1 expect to sec somc spcciacuhr rcsults?
C Spectacular may not be tlić right word but you will sec a differ-
spring - wiosna
dcpleted ol stb - pozbawiony
coavineed - przekonany greenhouse - cieplarnia YiUiuin boost - duża, uderzeniowa dawka witamin supplement - dodatek to da tlse trick - spełnić funkcję
suaihine - światło słoneczne wind - wiatr rctinol-containing - zawierający rctinol vi(.miiu-rich serum - serum bogate w witaminy contents - zawartość to lcsvc (Icft, left) - tm zostawić