
Task 3

Imagine that you are having a sinular convcisauon with a dicnt who« | skin has blue or pink undcrtones. What coloun would you advisc ha to usc?



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Evtr morc womcn are awarc of the importancc of chcir nppcarancc. The lattcr indudes a bealthy, jrouthful and attncdve look of the foce whkh consutuees an obvious asset in both pcrsonal and professional lifc. Professional make-up is ever morc popular among women but make-up aidsts are prepared not ody to make-up dients’ feccs but also to provide them with make-up counselling, that is to show how they can put on make-up thcm$clvcs.

The art of good make-up consists in obtainmg a nacural look whkh, ncYerthdess, enhances the natura] beauty of the face, is apptopnate for the situaboa and ensutes a long-lasung effect

The an of day-iime makc-up is perhaps evcn morę demanding than that of che evening makc-upL Sunlight is merciless but so is the artifiaal lighung in offices

The nudę foce is a grot chaDcngc for the makc-up artist, the woman and the cosmcucs producer as wclL Thert is a need for an opaiescent bose foundation, light gołd and btown cycshadows, a chocobte brown cyepen* cii, błock mascara and na tu rai blushcr as wcłl as a bpsdck and lip gloss to match. You must surt with an opaiescent basc but it is the eyes that are the focus of attentioa You must cmphasac them with a gold cyeshadow applied to the cyebd and ncxt sweep the shadow up to the brow and, finally usc a bronze shadow to the crcasc of the cyc. Next, you can appły the eyependl above and bdow the hshcs and finish with bbek mascara. You mustn’t fotget about the chccks and the bps. It is bess to use a sporne to appły dcłicatc almond blushcr to the chccks foflowed by a dust of gold. As for the Łps, you should Sne them with a lincr and then use a ligłit shim-menng bpsbck to fiU the lips and compłctc the make-up


Importu** - znaczeni* youthful - młodzieńczy »s*« - atut

counseiling - doradziwo to comtst in Uh/doing uh

- polepa na aymś/robfcniu czegoś

long-lasting - Uwiły sunlight - światło słoneczne inert iłess - bczwzgięduy Jftiiicul lighting - uinczne oświetleni* oflicc - tnuro nudf - iugi. goły dullcngc - wyzwani* opaiescent - opalizujący blushcr - ról focus - centrum to sweep (swept, swrpt) - lir. rozprowadzić pędzelkiem crease- fałda, zagięcie lashes- rzęsy to Ilu* - obrysować sliimmering - błyszczący to fili - wypetmć luminous - świetlisty shłnc - błyszczenie to retain - zachować radbnee - świetlistość

Text 2:

The Art of Make-up


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