night, don^ forget aboot the f...................They also tend to be
dry and peeling and can teveal both age and lack of propei care.
7. Whtteheads, biackheads and skin eruptions are usuaiiy not kmired
to the face but can also be found on the s..................and the
b..................of the tcenage ebent. .• •
► ; mnium (skuli) - czaizka
► J| orbit - oczodół • V V
slŚ dieekbooe - kok policzkowa nundible
O»wbone-lower Jaw)
J i H* - zochwa :.4j- datkic - obojczyk inf oliw - kok lokaowa -jl :,|C cirpai - nadgarstek ‘ r £ tcipula (pł. scapulae)
JS /; ilemum -mostek rib-iebro
: bumem - koić nmienna
; lumbar vertebrac - kręgi lędźwiowe (nng. vcrtcbra : -kręg)
* m peKia - miednica 'fi. sacrum - kość krzyżowa . *2g ischium - kość kuhzowz ■[•łr pubis - kość łooowa
S - r»diui(pt radil)-kość promieniowa • femur (p». feroora) - kość :
; c udowt
patrlU - rzepka lal tibia - koić piszczelowa ;• fibula (pl. fibulae) - strzałka: -■H- tarsii* [pi tarsi) • stęp ;S?rS nwtaurcus - łródttopic phalanz (pf phalangcs) -paliczek
Słudy the adjectivcs given below, making surę you know thcir meaning. Decidc whicli of them ate positńrc and which negative and then use them to complete the sentcnces bclow.
disfigured • swollen • słim • shapely • healthy looking • unsighdy • tough • lumpy • flabby • even • soft • velvtty • firm • elasoc • inelastic • coane»bumpy_
1. When the skin does not seem e..................enough, a massagc
can usually help The use of on appropriate massagc oil can also
help in pievcnnng the skin from becoming i..................and
even f...................
2. Such c.................., s.................., almost v..................
body is the ptivdege of youth but cosmetics and beauty treatments can help us maintain these cjualibes long into adulthood.
3. I've noóced that your anldes and knees seem to be sort of
s..................and dl..................It may be a sjgn of some
internal malfuncoon. Why don*t you sec a doctor about it3
4. We all want to look s..................and s..................but U
does requue a propet diet and regular cacrcise, especiaUy when you are over thitty.
5. Such a l.................. and b..................appeaiance of the
body in the area of the wam, the buttocks and the abdomen means that we have accumulated too much fat there. Only rcgulat anti-cellulite treatments, regular cicrcise and a proper diet can let us do away with tlus u.....1............look.
6. Your skin scems to be fiuriy f...................and e..................
but 1 advisc you to apply some moisturising body lotion to it regu-larly to keep it this way. Grvc particular attention to the eibows, the
knees and the hcełs because they tend to becomc r..................
and c..................if they are not propedy nourished.
7. A h..................-I.................. face and skin as well as a
s'..................figurę is every woman^s dream but we must help
this dream co me true by gnnng our body proper daily carc.