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ŁR1M - Łuropean Reference

lndcx for the Humanities

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Research Publications Catalogue

European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)

Repgft 2QQ8-2QQ9 GaYemanŁe £RIH Ewert Panels

Orgamsation supporting ERIH

ERIH Nafona! Contact Points ŁRIH Powerpoint presentation ERIH Ręstrigtęd

The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) is the only reference index created and developed by European researdiers both for their own purposes and in order to present their ongomg rescarch achievements systematicaly to the rest of the worid. It is also a unkjue project because, in the context of a worid dommated by publication in Englsh, it highlights the vast rangę of worid-dass research published by humanities researchers in the European languages.

A list nf rore ritsnr>lmes was idenhfied as central to the


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