
Scientific Name. Bacillus sobtilis y l j

•jffir a 9

Morphology: bacilli in chams V \

H\ ^

Gram Reaction: Gram po*itive (♦) t X t *

Staming method Gram stain f

H *

Scientific Name BoaHus subtihs

Common name Hay bacillus \ Jr

f Ci > <-?

Morphology: bacilli in chams

r i v *

Special Structuro: spore* (color green)

Vegetative cells (color red) ^

Staming method Futton Schaeffer rr et nod

Scientific Name Bacillus subtihs Morphology: bacilli m chams

Gram Reaction: Gram positwe (♦) * ^

~“ ''-IP

Scientific Name Corynebacterium diphthcriatHTT i %

Common name: Kleb-Loeffle^s baoluj |Ql Aa

Morphology: irregular bacilli irvy

with Babes-Ernst bodits «2 ^ N Club shaped, w/ barbtd ends

VXYor iL m.

Chinese character arrangemtnu . X j{y ^ Gram Reaction: Gram positn/e (♦) ^

Staming method Gram stam ^ «« *

Scientific Name Baallus subtihs V W Morphology: bacilli m chams c,% ^ * ^-4 Gram Reaction: Gram posrtiwe h

Staming method: Gram stain ^ U^ %

5* >

«« >nj»- ■- ^

Scientific Name Wibno cholerae V

Common name Comma bacillus v> ^

vX ^ V

V r-' A. n sv% ^

Morphology curved bacilli, ^ ^ > smgfy; comma shaped ^ ^v. . ’

Gram Reaction: Gram negatiue {-) r^7


Staming method Gram stain


Scientific Name Eschtnchio cob *r*mmm

Common name: Colon baollus - ^ ^ * \T

vVrT «v £* *

Morphology: bacilli smgfy —» < V ^ _ V.

M\x # % V J

Gram Reaction: Gram negative (-) %y* ^y

\ \ V"

Staming method: Gram stam y y ^

Scientific Name Klebsiella pneumomoe

Morphology bacilli in pairs Sprcuil Structurc Cipsule |not itjmcd Staming method India ink stain

(a negdtve or relief staming method] ' WW* (8ackground is stamed black)


Scientific Name Eschehchia coli Common name: Colon bacillus

r *

Morphology: bocilh S.nfy

•• "< 4

Gram Reaction: Gram negative (-) # |j5 *

; ^ # ^•#ą

Staming method: Gram stam

. e% -


Morphology: short bacilli singly j

^•f.. r';- \

Gram Reaction: Gram negative {-)

Staming method: Gram stam


Scientific Name Bacillus subtihs (♦l


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