Q.P. Codę : 13876
Prajisha Ltd. manufacturos and sales 2,40,000 units of a product in a ycar. The sclling pricc of the product i$ r 50/- per unit and its analysis is :
Raw Materiał
Direct Lubour
Other Direct Cost
General Ovcrhcads
Sclling and Distribution Overheads
20% . < 10% X)
10%; and the balancc is nr«tt.
Tne following estimates for the ycar 2016 are givcn for your congMbtation :
(a) 'Raw Materials' rentain in stock for 1 month.
Cd) Suppliers of Raw Materials allow 2 month's credit^^
ne total direct costs
(c) The ' Work-in-Progress' is to be valued at 80% gfcthc
of one tnonth's productior.. Jy
(d) 'Finished Geods' cqual to % month's re^jTrement arc in stock.
(e) Customers arc allowed 2 months'_^ait.
(0 Time lag ir. payment of wagtąTli one month.
Cg) Both the overheads ar^afd one month in advancc.
' (h) Of the total sales,
(i) Cash for contfgdncics is maintained at 10% of net working Capital (cxcludini<T^Bh).
(j) Sund^defctons urc to be valued at sclling price.
(k) ' Ałfthc activi:ics of production and sales accruc cvcnly throughout the year.
Calculate estimatea working Capital rcquiierr.ent of Prajisha Ltd. for 4§Bycar 2016.
is on credit.