QP Codę : 13857

(8)    Wfacr. overhcads rccovered in costing are morc ihan actua!

overhcads incurred it is callcd as__of overhcads.

•    Under absorption    • Ovcr absorption

•    Propcr absorption • Nonę of thc abovc

(9)    Dock ch3rges is a--.

•    Dircct cost    • Indirect cost

•    Urgcnt cost    • Production cost

(10)    Ovcr valuaticn of closing stock in cost accounts--.

•    Incrcases costing profit • Decrcases costing profit

•    Incrcases finaacial profit • Decrcases financial profit

(b) State whether thc following statemcnts arc Truć or Faisc. (any sevcn) 7

(1)    In ABC analysis ‘A’ class items arc costlicst.

(2)    Econoraic Order Quantity can bc Rc-ordcr Quantity but not vice-versa.

(3)    Ovcrtime inereases labour cost.

(4)    Prclimiuary cxpenscs written off appear only in Financial AccouotS.

(5)    Primary Packaging Chargcs is ar. cxamplc of selling and distribution ovcrheads.

(6)    Over absorption of Overhcads inereases Costing Profit.

(7)    Fixed Cost per unit rcmains fixed irrespcct;vc of levcl of output.

(S) Strikcs and lockout is abaormal idlc timc.

(9)    Drawing Office Salaries is an item of Factory Ovcrheads.

(10)    Profit on sale o: asset is shown in financial Accounts.



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