112 Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z języka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 201-1/2015
Good morning / aftcrnoon / cvening.
My namc is............. and this is my collcague
Whafs your namc?
Thank you. Choose one set and give it to me, please.
In this part of the exam I*m going to ask you some cjuestions. Can we start?
Why didyou decide to stttdy in this school / in a hilingual school?
W ho is your Jayourite writer/musician ? (Why?)
Do you like going to museums? (Why? / Why not?)
Isfashion import ant to you? (Why? / Why not?)
Do you like the place whereyou live? (Why? / Why not?)
What do think your life will he like in lOyears linie?
How do you usually spend winter holidays?
Which place in the world would you decide to \ isit ifmoney was not a problem?
Would you decide to travel in space if you had a chance to do it? (Why? / Why not?)
Thank you.
<proszę przekazać zestaw zdająccmu>