^Jmt^^asi^TestA Imię I nazwisko:


1 £]j] Usten and drcle T (true) or F (false).

1    Garethlikeswatching football onTV. T/F

2    Gareth never goes swimmlng

after a match.    T/F

3    Gareth hasa freedayafter a    match.    T/F

4    Gareth enjoys trainlng with    a    bali.    T/F

5    Gareth doesn't llke reading reports

about matches.    T/F


Functional language

2 Choose the correct words.

1    Do you want / fancy watching a DVD?

2    No, let's go to the cinema too / instead

3    What film do you like / want to see?

4    Let's / We see Iron Man 3.

5    Yeah, borlng / cool.

4 Match the words In box A wlth their opposites In box B.



1 confldent

a) adventurous

2 quiet

b) dishonest

3 honest

c) talkative

4 serious

d) shy

5 cautious

e) unsociable

6 selfish

f) funny

7 lazy

g) generous

8 friendly

h) energetlc

2 3


6 7




5 Choose the correct answers.

1 He enjoys    action films.

a) watches    b) watching

2    Ihey aren t good at    vollevball.

w tym tygodniu].



Katie and Alice Brown are twlns. They llve In the north of England. about SO tólometres from Manchester.

Of course, they share the same blrthday - 15th Aprll. They are 1S years old now. Although they are twln sisters. they dont look the same. Katie has long, dark hair and Alice has short, fair hair. But they both have blueeyes.

The Interesting thing about Katie and Alice is that they are interested in and good at different things. Katie enjoys doing different sports. For example, she s reaily good at playing tennis and volleyball and she s also a good swimmer. In contrast, Alice hates doing any sport. She enjoys listening to musie and also plays an instrument. She’s very good at playing the guitar.

Katie is very sociable and enjoys going out for a meal with her friends and going to the disco. But Alice is a bit shy. She isn't keen on going out and enjoys staying at home, watching films on TV and surfing the Internet.

4    Katie llkes studylng_.

a) languages    b) physlcs

5    Allce's favourlte subject_French.

a) Is    b) lsn't



9 Complete the personal profile.

My namels_and l'm_

years old.'_[paplsz,zkim

mieszkasz]. I go to a secondary school. In my free time 1__[podaj, co lubisz

robić], so V    ___fpapisz,

jak często wykonujesz daną czynność]. But4____

___1_ Ipodaj, czego

nie lubisz robić]. This week, *_

[napisz, czym się zajmujesz


Total score:


1    0 Listen and choose the correct answers.

1    Jack Is_years old.

a) 15    b)    16

2    Jacksometimesdownloads    from

the Net.

a) games    b)    video elips

3    At school. Lisa    listens to    musie durlng


a) breaks    b)    lessons

4    Jason    a favourite gadget.

a) hasgot    b)    hasn'tgot

5    Jason enjoys    photos.

a) downloading    b)    uploading


Functional language

2    Order the words to make sentences.

1 on / offer / this / special / one's /.

7    Don't forget to charge / storę your mobile phone before the trip.

8    You can use my smartphone to send / make

an email.    CO

4 Match the words with the photos.


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