Cei tiflcate No:

ECMT Ceitiflcate of Compliance with Tecbnical and Safetv Requirements for a Motor Yehicle □ "EURO IV safe"    □ "EURO V safe"    □ "E*EV safe"    □ "EURO VI safe"

Vehicle Tspe and Make:_

Wincie Identification Number (YIN):_

Engine Type / Numbei:


Competent vahdation Semces in the country of registration.2

Wbicie Manufacturer. or the authorised Representatńe of the Manufacturer in tlie country of registration. or

- A combination of the competent validation Senices in the country of registration and the vehicle Manufacturer. or tlie authorised Representative of the Manufacturer ui the country of registration. when all tlie equipment is not fitted by the vehicle Manufacturer.5

Voho Group (l’Kl Limited

liereby eon firm s tliat the said vehicle is ui compliance with the prousions of respeetne UNECE Regulations and or EU regulatory* acts. as hsted below. and confirms tliat the particulars entered omleaf are correct


□    □ Measurements accordmg to; UNECE Regulation RS5.00 or as subsequently amended. or

Direcme 80T269 EEC. as amended by Directne 1999'99 EC or as subsequently amended


□    □ Noise nieasured accordmg to; UNECE Regulation R51.02 or as subsequentlv amended. or

Direcme 70'157'EEC as amended by Directne 1999 101'EC or as subsequently amended

□    □ EURO IV: Exhaust ennssions accordmg to; UNECE Regulation R49.03. row BI or as subsequently

amended.    or Duective 88'77EEC as amended    by Directive 200U27EC. row BI    or

Directne 2005^$SEC as amended by Directne 200S/7SEC. row BI or as subsequently amended 4

□    □ EURO V: Exliaust emissions accordmg to; UNECE Regulation R49.04. row B2 or as subsequently

amended.    or Directne S8'77EEC as amended    by Directne 200U27.EC. row B2    or

Directne 2005;55EC as amended by Directne 2005/7S EĆ. row B2 or as subsequently amended 5

□    □ EEY: Exhaust emissions accordmg to: UNECE Regulation R49.04. row C or as subsequently

amended. or Directne SS'77EEC as amended by Directne 2001/27EC. rowC or Directne 200S/$5EC as amended by Directne 2005/7SEC. row C or as subsequently amended 4

□    □    EURO VI:    T\pe-approval of engmes with    respect to emissions accordmg    to:

UNECE Regulation R49.06 or Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No 582/2011 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 64 2012 or as subsequently amended*


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