April 2020
Celebrating Children's Day
We have a kahsot gamę to cetebrate Childreris Day on 23“ April There wił ba 20 puastions. rt contains first 10 short sten as Abo our partnars wid prepare sirrilar bal gamat. Students can play sampla gamat babra tha actual gama. P»*0732336S and 06604640
We will hava an on Ina event bofora the competition with eTwinners.
You can visat tha fclog for detat Ił
11 WTitcrŁ wordprcLL.com/<»-cct
Our Instagram account is on air
We hava fcts of things to tell pacpfe. We began to share our avents and i ustraters on our cwn Instagram acccont
You can visit to see our post on instagram.
Choose thebest illustration
Helena Lcurenęo suggested to vote ilustratora too. Wa have lots of ilustratora drawn by our predous students We love all of tham.
Mrw we ask you to votc the lustrationyou loue most
For seeing ilustrator. risit 11 writers.vrordpre$s.com/»rt
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Storyteller are curious about their cities'past
Wa fcnow aach city has unique storias and we host students from 8 different cities. Vił>an we are locked down our Komes we have so much time to speak our lovely parerts and grant parents Storyteller are curious about their dtias' past Wall report their findings soon. Abo we prepared a carwas for them to share why thay tave their dty on Unofocom
Novelist Zeynep Delav will meet with our storytellers.
Our stcrytellars have lots cf stor/ to tell us Wa are lotki rg forwand to see their new stories Also we help tham to meet with famous storytailers.
Zeynep Ddar/s first book Komik Totu was publtshed ir 2018 And her ear>y stories were pubSshed in drfferent magaiires She has ćegree on Phicsophy ard Psychtlogy.
She will have an cnfne meetng with Turkish students on 3Crd April,
Ourbookmarks was printed
Wa cesgred 8 tifferent tookmarks with tha pictures drawn by our students Wa printed 1S00 fcoskmarks to ddrver pccple treugh statoreńes to atvertise our e-book and disseminate our proect
How do you say our slogan 'Dreams become real when dreamed together' in Polish?
1 -Eva Hemem 2- Ifcrahim Yaman 3- Ema Kertjku 4- Ebrar ęfiikf 5- Prina Keahepi 6- Milena Wćjdlc
S ttieta Rogowiec racorded a vićeo with her students They said cur sltgan together
You can watch for tha answer
Our e-book is on Pląy Books
Since we have publshad our e-bocie on Googla Play Books on Marth 2020. our book was purchased 348 times by the raaders from 22 countries
TwiŁg ^