•lurnliKj 18 marks a major step to adultnood Wo want to support EuropeS young peopte ki taking tnts step Dy gMng tnem tne opportuiiity to ikscover our contincnts licredlDte cultur.il nent.ige. get to know and team from otner peopte and eonie to retogntse triat tnere is morę that unites us thah drviiies us*

TiDOr Nuvrucsits. Comny-iWliPr for EduCution, Cutturp. YtJutfl & Sport BruSSPiS. 3 Muy 2018


DtscoverEU is a new EU kiitldtlve giving 18 yedr olds youiig peopte frotn dli DdCkgrounds tne opportuiiity to trdve( dround Luropo. loarn frotn otner cultures. indke new friendswps witn feiiow Europodns. and utiderstand wtiat tne EU stands for wneti DtscoverEU was organtsed for tne ftrst tiine m June 2018. youtig peopte etndraced tne opportuiiity wttn entnustasin Moro ttłan 100,000 young people apptied for tne 15,000 travel passes avaNaDie under tne flrst appticatiot ■ round tne atio catlon of tne travet passes was Dased on tne snare of MetnOer States’ populatton cotnpared to tne overali popuiation of tne EU. Ali country guotas were used.



Partie ipants awarded

o    sooo






100,480 apptications

15,009 partie ipants awarded 74% m sdioot or leaytng senoot

y*> yocatlonal tramtng 1% omptoyed 1% unemptoyed

2% otner


Podobne podstrony:
•Turnlng 18 marks a major step to adultnood Wo want to support EuropeS young peopte m taking tws ste
•Turnlitg 18 tnarks a major step to adultnood Wo want to support EuropeS young peopte m taklng this
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