Case study: Antonio Emilio de Moraes

Antonio Emilio de Moraes (Sao Paulo, 1928) is a Brazilian Businessman, • tjP engineer and philanthropist. He is president and member of the Board of Admlnistration of the Votorantim Group Forbes, estimated that Moraes has a fortunę of 25 million do lars, be is one of the richest pecp e in the worid. Antonio Emilio de Moraes is Roman Catholic (Christian).

His father, the engineer Emilio Jose de Morais was a native of Pernambuco in Northeast of Brazil, created the Votorantim Group. In 1949, Emilio Antonio de Moraes graduated in Meta lurgical Engineering (Colorado School of Mines). In 1953 he married Maria Regina. The couple had 9 children.

Already in the 50s Mr. Moraes saw that the only v/ay to grow-up was to compete directiy with the major worid producers of aluminum. in 1955, he founded the Brazilian Aluminum Company produćng just 4,000 tons of Steel, tcday the Votorantim Group produces over 400,000 tons in 1956 had serlous fnancial problems and even suffered severe burns when he was in his factory. Mr Moraes has achieued at thls time transform the company into a multinational, with an aggressive acquisitions policy.


Votorantimhttp :/Avwnv.votorantim.com.br/

Today the Votorantim Group is a 100% Brazilian company present in morę than 20 countries, has morę than 60,000 employees and activities in various sectors. cement, pulp, paper, aluminum, zinc, nickel, long Steel, films from pc y propy l en e, specialty Chemicals, and orange juice. in 2014, the group fulf lled 95 years of ecistence.

in the fmancial market operates through •,votccantim f nance' , which brlnp together several institutlons: Votorantim Bank (Business and lnvestment &3nk), BV Finance (financing and credit to the consumer), Votorantim Asset Management (resource management), BV Leasing (leasing operations}, and Votorantim CTVM (securities broker).

The corporate governance model of the votorantim Group joins the family shareholder control to a group of executives in business management. The three major rating agencies in the worid risk. Standard & Poor’s (BB3), Fltch Ratings (BBS) and Mocdy’s (Baa3i have dassrfied to Votorantim Group as lnvestment Grade.

Although the Votorantim Group owns seyeral banks, Emilio Antonio de Moraes has been very critical of the financial system and fmancial specu ation:

"If i den': beiieve in Srazi!, l wouid be benker. 3ut! founded my Sonk to not pay the ir.terest thot is charęed on the morkę: imoosed by the Centro! Bank of Srazi!" Emilio Antonio de Moraes

Antonio Emilio de Moraes also founded the company ’Votorantim Ventures’,. initially to purchase raw materials, currently is an investment fund with resources of about 300 mil ion dollars invested in biotechnoogy, bioinformatics seryices, data centers, cali center, e-commerce...

y.M.y.'. reingez.com

Master in International Business EBII


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