Zadanie 10

C:yUimt iDCHifSiiBU

PrzeezyUj tekst. Na jego podstawie uzupełnij luki w /dani* h 10.1, 10.4. w języku polskim.

Henrietta Green Mł a talent ed businrsswonun

She was bom in IS14 in the USA. When she was a icciujgrr. hc» lather taught her about the cconomy. She was not inlcrrstcd in lashion or parties When heT dud bought her a w-ardrohe fuli of wmidetful dfesses she sold both the furniiure and all her clothes to grt sonie moncy lo imesl In her early thirtics- afler her father s death. she inherited lots of mono. which she alio imested buying stoik* and shares or citatcs She gol nurried and had iwothildren a «* and a daughier Afler her hustund s death she siaitcd wi-aring Waik ilothes all ihc limę She was sad and unfriendly Due to her image and hełusiour. sonie propłc began ealling her a witch

She kepi irooiing her monry in ml cslale and also m sioek and honds Aliliough she was

sers rkh she waśn i fond of spending money. she was sery stingy She didn t usc hol walet.

she worc the same błack dress all the limę Henrietta ale only hauc food and Ined

in a remed apartmem She dklnt want lo pu) for mcdiral ireaimcnls prelending

lo he poor ll was KpOłted ihal when her son had a knee injury. she rrfused to pay for his

surjjcry and heeause of ii. his leg had lo be amputaied

She desoted her lifo to increaung her fortunę She dred al the age of SI

10.1. Henrietta Green    w HM r

10 2. lej    nczyl ją o ekonomii

10 1. Z powodu wyglądu i /aih<rwania niektórzy hid/ie nazy wali ją 10.4. Ikiemmo bogactwa Hennelu nk- lutnia

Zadanie II

Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce wybierz te. które

poprawnymi uzupełnieniami luk II.I. II.I. Wpivz odpowiednią litery (A I ) obok numeru każdej luki Uwaga' Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pavują do żadnej luki.

A. do

A In

C for

U On

F. about


Saint Bernarda are locingand fricndly doga. They are cnormout they ran wcigh betwern 65 and 120 kg

11.1.    spite of thetr tire. you ihould not be afraid of thent They lose pcopłc

Saint Bernard » are beautilul. 'fhcir coat can be red and white. their cyet are umaiły brown and a little droopy Saint Bernard4 are calm. loyal and patiem so thesc doga are great

11.2.    fanulie* They are intclligcnt w> it is cacy to trach thrm how

to II ). *omc trick*






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