Michał Klichowski ©

1 • A,B,C,D,E,F,G

Agnieszka Nowik ©

2    • A,B,C,D

Gregory Kroliczak ©

2 • A,C,D,E,F,G

James W. Lewis

3    • A,D,E,F

Functional lateralization oftool-sound and action-word Processing in a bilingual brain


The impact of bilingualism on lateralized brain functions such as praxis - the control of skilled actions - and lan-guage representations themselves, particularly in the au-ditory domain, is still largely unknown. Recent studies suggest that bilingualism affects both basie (fundamental frequency) sound and action-related speech processing. Whether it can impact non-verbal action sound processing is a question of debate.


Here we examined twenty bilinguals using a dichotic lis-tening paradigm, in which in addition to repeating the just heard action words, participants named - in Polish or English - one of two simultaneously presented tool sounds from attended ears. The results were compared with data from these same participants tested with reading the same words in a visual-half field paradigm.


In contrast to typical outeomes from monolinguals, the lat-erality indices of action-related sound processing (verbal and non-verbal) were not left lateralized but hemispheri-cally balanced. Notably, despite similar organization of tool- and action-word sound processing, their auditory (balanced) and visual-language (left-lateralized) representations might be independent because there were no sig-nificant correlations between any of their laterality indices.


This indicates that bilingualism might involve reshuffling/ reorganization of typically lateralized brain functions and such plasticity will have consequences for second language learning strategies, as well as for neurorehabilitation.


bilingualism; tool sounds; action words; praxis; language learning

organization - 1: Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland • 2: Action and Cognition Laboratory, Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland •

3: Department of Neuroscience, West Virginia University, Morgantown, United States authors’ contributions - A: Study design • B: Data collection • C: Statistical analysis • D: Data interpretation •

E: Manuscript preparation • F: Literaturę search • G: Funds collection corresponding author - Prof. Michał Klichowski, Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University,

89 D Szamarzewskiego Str., 60-568 Poznan, Poland, e-maih klich@amu.edu.pl to cite this article - Klichowski, M., Nowik, A., Kroliczak, G., & Lewis, J. W. (2020). Functional lateralization oftool-sound and action-word processing in a bilingual brain. Health Psychology Report, 8(1), 10-30. https://doi.org/l0.5114/hpr.2020.92718

RECEIVED 20.11.2019 • REYIEWED 03.01.2020 • ACCEPTED 10.01.2020 • PUBLISHED 31.01.2020


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